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레이블이 장학금인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2017년 3월 9일 목요일

한국 국적 소유자 포함, 미국 유학생을 위한 장학금 리스트

오늘도 연이어 미국 유학생을 위한 장학금에 대한 포스팅을 해 봅니다.
학교나 정부, 혹은 민간단체 에서 제공하는 장학금등, 혜택을 원한다면 기회가 분명이 있습니다.
정보의 시대! 발빠르게 대처해서 희망찬 대학 캠퍼스 생활을 장학금과 함께 조금 가볍게 시작하면 어떨까요?
도전하는 모든 학생들에게 좋은 소식이 있기를 간절히 바래 봅니다.

아래의 장학금 리스트는 한국국적 소지가가 지원 할 수 있는 리스트 입니다.

 CollegeWeekLive $1,000 Scholarship
 CollegeWeekLive is giving awarding a $1,000 scholarship just for viewing and visiting US colleges online. Winning is easy - all you need to do is login to at CollegeWeekLive.com and visit 5 colleges that interest you. One lucky winner will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship and many other winners may find the college of their dreams.

Full Sail Global Achievement Scholarship
 The Full Sail Global Achievement Scholarship is designed to encourage and develop future international entertainment and media professionals throughout the world. Through the Global Achievement Scholarship, eligible participants may receive up to $15,000 toward the tuition of their Full Sail campus degree program.

Write an Excellent Essay about Substance Abuse – Win $500!
We are asking participants in our essay contest to write about how social networks effect substance abuse among teenagers and students. Any position about this topic may be expressed as long as it is an intelligent and well-crafted account. The writing and argumentation should show sound reasoning using accurate facts and data; furthermore, any first-hand experiences that have to do with alcohol or drug rehab should be related in an honest and insightful manner. The style of the piece must complement and strengthen its central ideas and conclusions.

Gold Global Excellence Scholarship
All international freshmen and transfer students who are admitted are considered for a Global Excellence Scholarship. These scholarships cover either the full difference or half the difference between resident and non-resident tuition rates. Transfer students may receive Maroon awards of up to three years when entering the University in the Fall semester (transfer students entering in Spring semester will be considered for scholarship on a funds-available basis). Awards are competitive, based on academic merit—students selected for awards are among the best in their high school class and show a record of very strong academic preparation. There is no separate scholarship application required; students are considered based on an overall assessment of their on-time admission application.

International Furloughing Missionary
 Loan, /scholarships for those in full-time Christian ministry in a non-U.S. country that's not their home. The award is for a master's degree at Wheaton College Graduate School to enhance ministry. Recipients must return to ministry to earn loan forgiveness (1yr.=25%). This merit-based award covers tuition and insurance. Based on need, more may be given for living expenses.

International Christian Leader
Loan, /scholarships for those in full-time Christian ministry in their non-U.S. home country to obtain their master's degree at Wheaton College Graduate School. Recipients must return to ministry to earn loan forgiveness (1yr.=25%). This merit-based award covers tuition and insurance. Based on need, more may be given for living expenses.

Cosmetology School Scholarship
Interested in an exciting and rewarding career as a Hairstylist? Karmin would like to help get you on your way with a $500 scholarship towards your tuition! Better yet, you can use your scholarship at any Hairdressing School of your choice.

Wesleyan Freeman Asian Scholarship
Covers costs associated with earning four years bachelors degree at Wesleyan University for students from eleven countries in Asia. Students already enrolled in university studies are not eligible. Can only be used for study at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT.

Korean Scholars Award
20 one-quarter tuition awards for new Korean students carrying a good academic record. This award is valid for two semesters at any Schiller International University campus.

Crush The NCLEX Exam Scholarship Program
 One Grand Prize Winner will receive $300 toward cost of licensure for the NCLEX plus free access to a GraduateX review course that’s valued at $289! This is an annual scholarship for nursing candidates who need to get certified. The winner will be chosen and announced by our staff. 

Have  a registered working email address that is yours and only you have access to. Any individual choosing to participate in this contest must be undergoing High School or higher level education (university, college ) Every submission must meet the minimum word count requirement of 500 words to 1000 words max. All work for this essay contest must be written in English.

SelfScore International Student Scholarship
 We are awarding Twelve $5000 scholarships to International Students studying in the U.S.  Share Your Talent Scholarship

찰스샘 수강생들의 명문 대학 합격 스토리 http://blog.naver.com/charles77777/220980385543

찰스 온라인 클리닉

토플&SAT   토플&ACT  조인트 프로그램을 통해
균형 있는 목표 점수 도달을 위해
최선의 노력을 하고 있습니다.

선생님 노하우

글로벌 온라인
찰스 온라인 클리닉

공식 홈페이지 satssat.com

Posted by Charles' Team 

2017년 2월 26일 일요일

미국 유학생을 위한 장학금 소개

오늘 찰스 온라인 클리닉에서는 미국 유학생을 위한 미국에서 제공하는 장학금 포스팅을 하고자 합니다.
미국으로 유학을 준비하시는 학부모님이나 학생들은 잘 아시겠지만, 대학 등록금이 해마다 조금씩 오르는데 정말이지 만만치 않습니다.

학교에서 제공하는 재정보조 Financial Aid를 받거나, 장학금 신청을 해서, 등록금에 조금이라도 보탬이 된다면, 가계 부담도 조금 덜게 되고, 이보다 더 좋을 순 없겠죠?
한 푼이라도 등록금을 절약할 수 있는 정보가 있다면, 꼬옥~ 실천해서 알뜰한 대학 생활을 해야겠습니다

아래의 정보들은 미국 정부에서 제공하는 미국 유학생을 위한 재정 보조 장학금 정보와 민간단체에서 제공하는 장학금 정보들입니다.
희망찬 대학 생활에 활기를 더할 장학금 혜택이,  지원자 모두에게 돌아가길 바라며! 

Government-funded US scholarships for international students 
미국 정부 지원 미국 유학생을 위한 장학금

Fulbright Foreign Student Program – Perhaps the most popular of government-funded US scholarships for international students, Fulbright offers scholarships for graduate students, young professionals and artists to study in the US for one year or more. Open to international students in all fields excluding medicine.
Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program – This is a non-degree scholarship program for international experienced professionals wishing to undertake 10 months of academic study in the US. Although the funding doesn’t support degree qualifications, students are able to study and develop their knowledge at academic institutions across the nation.

Non-governmental US scholarships for international students 
민간 지원 장학금

Abbey Road Summer Scholarships – Offering US scholarships worth US$1,000 for language and art students, as well as US$500 fellowships for ‘summer enrichment’ at institutions within the states.
The Next Gen Scholarship Fund – Scholarships to study in the US for non-residents and international students. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA (grade point average) and be enrolled on a program at an accredited university within Washington DC, Maryland or Virginia. Worth US$1,000.
Tortuga Backpacks Study Abroad Scholarship – Awarded twice a year to passionate international students to study in the US. Worth US$1,000.
David P. Shapiro Annual Leukaemia Scholarships – Two annual scholarships, worth US$1,000 each, open to current or prospective students in the US diagnosed with leukaemia.

For Asian students, 아시안 지원자 장학금:
East-West Center Scholarships and Fellowships – Scholarships to study in the US within selected institutions, aimed at international students from the Asia-Pacific region.
Japan-United States Friendship Commission – An initiative run by Japan and the US, the commission offers grant programs to Japanese students wishing to study in the US (and vice versa).
For female students 여학생 지원 장학금: 
AAUW International Fellowships – Fellowships offered by the American Association of University Women for female international students to study in the US.
MIT-Zaragoza Women in Logistics and SCM Scholarship – US scholarships for female students of any age, ethnicity or nationality, to study at the Zaragoza Logistics Center at MIT.

University-specific US scholarships for international students
대학에서 제공하는 유학생을 위한 장학금

American University Emerging Global Leader Scholarship – Undergraduate scholarships to study in the US at American University in Washington DC. For international students showing leadership potential.
Brandeis University Wien International Scholarship Program – Funding opportunity for high-achieving students with an interest in student community contribution.
Clark University Global Scholars Program – Scholarships of no less than $10,000 and a guaranteed $2,500 taxable stipend for a paid internship are available for first-year international applicants.
Emory University Needs-Based Scholarship Program – Funding opportunities for international students at Emory University. Students must demonstrate financial need.
Harvard University Scholarships – Harvard offers a range of (very competitive) international scholarships for students from all over the globe.
Illinois State University International Awards – Illinois State offers tuition waivers, merit awards and graduate assistantships to incoming international students.
Iowa State University International Merit Scholarships – Merit-based scholarship program for high-achieving international students.
Michigan State University International Scholarships – Various grants and scholarships for international students to study in the US at MSU.
New York University Wagner International Scholarships – US scholarships to study at NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.
University of Arkansas International Scholarships – Funding opportunities for international students of varying backgrounds and nationalities.
University of Iowa Scholarships for International First Year Students – Various scholarships for international students starting their first year in Autumn 2017.
University of Minnesota International Excellence Scholarships – Two scholarships of differing amounts allocated to international full-time students at UM.
University of Oregon International Scholarships – US scholarships to study at the University of Oregon, aimed at international students from around the world.
University of Wisconsin Superior Non-resident Tuition Waiver Program – Tuition waiver for international students demonstrating financial need at the University of Wisconsin.

찰스 온라인 클리닉

3P  수험생 맞춤 전략을 통한
SAT. ACT. SSAT. 토플. 에세이 수업으로
균형있는 목표 점수 달성을 위해
최선의 노력을 하고 있습니다.

선생님 노하우

글로벌 온라인
찰스 온라인 클리닉
공식 홈 페이지 satssat.com

Posted by Charles' Team