안녕하세요. 즐거운 주말 보내고 계시나요? 무더위에 건강주의하시고, 즐거운 여름, 행복한 추억 많이 만드시길 바랍니다. 찰스 온라인 클리닉에서는, 지난번 싱가포르 경영 대학교 SAT.ACT 입학 점수대와 어드미션 분석 포스팅 한데 이어, 오늘은 이 대학의 장학금 정보와 재정 지원에 대한 포스팅을 해 보는 시간을 가져 보도록 하겠습니다.
얼마전 아시아 대학에 관한 기사를 읽었었는데요, 요즘 한국의 많은 수험생들이 아시아 대학으로 눈에 띄는 지원을 한다는 기사를 읽었습니다. 학비나 생활비 등이, 서울에 상경하여 유지하는 등록금, 생활비와 별반 다르지 않고, 한국 학교 대비 세계 경쟁력도 높다"라는 현재 대학 현실에 입각한 기사를 읽고 많은 생각이 들었습니다. 대학을 지원하는 수험생이 현명하게 판단 하겠지만, 기회가 주어진다면, 좀 더 넓은 세상으로 나가, 다양한 경험과 공부를 해 보는 값진 청춘의 경험을 해 보길 바라는 마음입니다.
[해외대학리포트] 아시아 톱 대학 싱가포르국립대, 외국인도 학비 80% 지원 [출처: 중앙일보]
서울 유학 보내느니 차라리 日 유학? 그럴만한 이유 있네
싱가포르 경영 대학교의 장학금 & 재정 지원 정보에 대한 포스팅 시작해 봅니다.
싱가포르 경영 대학교는...
4명 중 3명의 학생이 장학금이나 재정 지원을 받고 있습니다.
이 대학에서는 작년에 $109 million를 장학금과 재정보조로 수여되었습니다.
장학금과 재정 지원을 희망하는 학생은 1월 15일까지 신청하셔야 합니다.
SMU의 가장 대표적인 장학금
1. President’s Scholars
The President’s Scholars Program is awarded to students who have shown exemplary academic and leadership skills. The award provides full tuition and fees as well as study abroad. Students who live on campus also receive a scholarship for room and board. For consideration for the President’s Scholarships, the highest academic awards given by the University, students must have exceptional achievement on the SAT or ACT and in their high school curriculum. Admitted students are automatically reviewed; students invited to interview will be notified in the spring. Visit the website of the President’s Scholars Program.
2. Nancy Ann and Ray L. Hunt Leadership Scholars (separate essay required)
The Nancy Ann and Ray L. Hunt Leadership Scholars Program is awarded to students with extraordinary leadership qualities and strong academic performance. The award is full tuition and fees, less the amount of tuition and fees at the leading public university in the recipient’s state of residency, plus study abroad. An additional essay is required. Click here for the online Hunt Leadership Scholars Application. Visit the website of the Hunt Leadership Scholars Program.
3. Second Century Scholarship, Deans' Scholarship
The Second Century Scholarship, Deans' Scholarship, and SMU Distinguished Scholarship are awarded to those students who have demonstrated outstanding academic success throughout high school – most importantly by presenting a combination of high school grades and standardized test scores that together place them among the top students applying to SMU each year. Students selected as a Second Century, Deans', and SMU Distinguished Scholars are recognized as potential leaders in the classroom at SMU. This designation is based on information submitted in the application for admission and may be updated by sending additional SAT or ACT scores directly from The College Board or ACT, Inc. respectively. These scholarship offers are typically included in a student’s admission packet and may be combined with some (but not all) of the other academic scholarships listed on this page. Students receive notification of other scholarship awards from each specific scholarship program directly. For more detailed information please follow the links for each of these programs, Second Century Scholars, Deans’ Scholars, SMU Distinguished Scholars.
4. National Merit Scholarships
National Merit and National Achievement Scholarships are awarded to those students who have been named National Merit or Achievement Finalists, receiving up to $5,000 annually. To qualify, students must designate SMU as their first choice school with the National Merit Corporation by the final deadline set by National Merit. Click here for additional information on National Merit Scholarships.
5. International Baccalaureate Scholars
Students who complete the IB Diploma Program will receive a $7,500 per academic year scholarship. The scholarship will no longer have varying amounts based on the IB exam scores, as it has in years past. This scholarship may be combined with other scholarship or grant aid from SMU, but in no case can the combination of institutional aid exceed Tuition and Fees for that academic year. Click here for additional information on the International Baccalaureate (IB) Scholars.
2017-18 Estimated Costs
Tuition & Fees $52,498
Housing & Meal Plan $16,510
Books & Supplies (estimate) $1,000
Available Undergraduate Scholarships and Grants
Federal $4,332,388
State $3,329,520
SMU Need $25,599,786
SMU Academic-based $70,074,828
Athletic $17,049,721
Other $4,572,491
TOTAL $124,958,733
2015-16 First-year Financial Aid Packages
Type of Aid Average Package Package Ranges % of Students
Scholarships and Grants $29,384 $500-$73,724 70%
Student Need-based Loans $3,765 $1,419-$9,000 16%
Student Employment $3,589 $395-$4,000 14%

메리트 장학금 지원시
장학금을 수령 받을수 있는 점수 대는
Old SAT 1320 (critical reading and math sections only), New SAT 1380, ACT 29 입니다.
찰스 온라인 클리닉 합격 스토리
도움이 되셨나요?
싱가포르 경영 대학을 준비하는 학생들에게 유익한 시간이었길 바랍니다.
좋은 하루 되세요.