
2016년 6월 22일 수요일

2017 애머스트 칼리지 Amherst College 등록금 & Aid

2017 애머스트 칼리지 등록금 & Aid
Amherst College

Tuition, Fees & Other Costs

Comprehensive fee (tuition, room and board): $65,330
Other student fees (student activities, campus center programs and residential governance): $856
Health insurance* (estimate; may be waived): $1,771
Books and supplies (estimated–paid by the student/family): $1,000
Personal expenses (estimated–paid by the student/family): $1,800
Travel/Transportation** (estimated–paid by the student/family; varies by location): $50-$2,500
Cost of attendance: $70,807 - $73,257

The College has a comprehensive program of financial aid that provides assistance in the form of scholarships and grants, loans, and student employment. In the 2014-15 academic year, Amherst students received need-based financial aid totaling approximately $54,290,000 from all sources. This aid included: 
Scholarships and Grants:  $52,090,000 received by 58 percent of students
Loans:   $746,000 received by 11 percent of students
Student Employment:      $1,457,000 received by 48 percent of students

Financial Aid Award 
Your financial need can be met with the “package” of financial aid outlined in your award notice. Financial aid packages usually include self-help (employment) and gift aid (scholarship and grant). Self-help requires you to work for a part of your educational expenses. Gift aid does not require work or repayment. You do not have to accept aid offered in the form of self-help in order to receive gift aid from the College. The College, however, will not replace the self-help expectation with scholarship or grant assistance. If your resources include a student income contribution greater than the standard minimum contribution, the amount of self-help in your financial aid package is reduced accordingly.

Posted by Charles' Team

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