
2017년 5월 7일 일요일

싱가포르 국립 대학 - SAT. ACT 토플 최소 요구 점수

싱가포르 국립대학 SAT . ACT. TOEFL Requirements

안녕하세요. 오늘 찰스 온라인 클리닉에서는 2016 QS 선정 아시아 최고 대학 1위 싱가포르 국립대학의 SAT. ACT. 토플 입학 최소 점수에 대한 포스팅을 해 보도록 하겠습니다.
아래의 점수는 전체적 최소 요구 사항이고, 전공 선택에 따라 지원 경쟁에 따라, 최소 점수라는 것은 유동적이므로, 수험생들은 이 점수를 참고만 하시길 바라겠습니다.

그럼 시험별 요구 사항을 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.

SAT (Previously termed Reasoning Test)
The redesigned SAT (offered from 1 March 2016) consists of 2 sections (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Mathematics), while the SAT (offered up to 29 Feb 2016) consists of 3 Sections (Critical Reading, Writing and Mathematics). 
The minimum acceptable test scores are 600 for Critical Reading, 600 for Writing or 600 for EvidenceBased
Reading and Writing, and 650 for Mathematics.

For the SAT, all sections have to be taken in one sitting. Combination of section scores from different sittings is not accepted.

ACT with Writing
The ACT consists of 5 sections: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science and Writing Test (Optional). The minimum acceptable composite score is 29; with writing component score of 27.

For applicants who are submitting ACT in lieu of SAT, the writing component is compulsory. 
For the ACT, all sections (inclusive of writing) have to be taken in one sittingCombination of section scores
from different sittings is not accepted.

The validity of ACT scores is five years, e.g. for applications closing on 1 March 2017, the validity period is from 1 March 2012 to 1 March 2017 (both dates inclusive).

TOEFL is not required if applicants wish to apply for Law or the double degree programme of Economics and Law if they are presenting SAT and SAT Subject Tests as their basis for admission.
No minimum Subject Tests scores have been stipulated
The minimum TOEFL scores for Internet Based Test (IBT) is 90

 찰스 온라인 클리닉

ACT&토플   SAT&토플  에세이 

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지원자의 균형있는 목표 점수를 돕고 있습니다.

공식 홈페이지 http://www.satssat.com

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