
2017년 5월 23일 화요일

경쟁이 치열하고, 합격률이 낮은 미국 100개 대학은 어디일까?

Top 100 Lowest Acceptance Rates

안녕하세요. 오늘 찰스 온라인 클리닉에서는 U.S New 선정, 합격률이 가장 낮은 100개 대학을 포스팅해 보는 시간을 가져 봅니다. 학부모님, 수험생분들이 희망하는 대학의 합격률은 어떠한지 참고로 하시면, 대학을 지원하고 공부하는데 전략을 세울 수 있을 것입니다.  그럼 100개의 대학 죽~~~ 나열해 볼까요? 

Stanford University   Stanford, CA 5%
Columbia University   New York, NY 6%
Harvard University   Cambridge, MA 6%
Juilliard School   New York, NY 6%
Princeton University  Princeton, NJ 7%
Yale University   New Haven, CT 7%
Massachusetts Institute of Technology   Cambridge, MA 8%
University of Chicago   Chicago, IL 8%
Brown University   Providence, RI 9%
California Institute of Technology   Pasadena, CA 9%
United States Naval Academy   Annapolis, MD 9%
Pomona College   Claremont, CA 10%
United States Military Academy   West Point, NY 10%
University of Pennsylvania   Philadelphia, PA 10%
Claremont McKenna College   Claremont, CA 11%
Dartmouth College   Hanover, NH 11%
College of the Ozarks   Point Lookout, MO 12%
Duke University    Durham, NC 12%
Swarthmore College   Swarthmore, PA 12%
Vanderbilt University   Nashville, TN 12%
Cooper Union   New York, NY 13%
Harvey Mudd College   Claremont, CA 13%
Johns Hopkins University   Baltimore, MD 13%
Northwestern University   Evanston, IL 13%
Pitzer College   Claremont, CA 13%
Amherst College   Amherst, MA 14%
Jarvis Christian College   Hawkins, TX 14%
Bowdoin College   Brunswick, ME 15%
Cornell University   Ithaca, NY 15%
United States Merchant Marine Academy   Kings Point, NY 15%
University of California--Berkeley   Berkeley, CA 15%
Rice University   Houston, TX 16%
Rust College   Holly Springs, MS 16%
Tufts University   Medford, MA 16%
Colorado College   Colorado Springs, CO 17%
Georgetown University   Washington, DC 17%
Middlebury College   Middlebury, VT 17%
United States Air Force Academy   USAF Academy, CO 17%
University of California--Los Angeles   Los Angeles, CA 17%
Washington University in St. Louis   St. Louis, MO 17%
United States Coast Guard Academy   New London, CT 18%
University of Southern California   Los Angeles, CA 18%
Williams College   Williamstown, MA 18%
Barnard College   New York, NY 20%
University of Notre Dame   Notre Dame, IN 20%
Carleton College   Northfield, MN 21%
Fort Valley State University   Fort Valley, GA 21%
Liberty University   Lynchburg, VA 21%
Southern University--New Orleans   New Orleans, LA 21%
Bates College   Lewiston, ME 22%
Davidson College   Davidson, NC 22%
Oral Roberts University   Tulsa, OK 22%
Paine College   Augusta, GA 22%
Wesleyan University   Middletown, CT 22%
Colby College   Waterville, ME 23%
Florida Memorial University   Miami, FL 23%
Carnegie Mellon University   Pittsburgh, PA 24%
Emory University   Atlanta, GA 24%
Kenyon College   Gambier, OH 24%
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology   Socorro, NM 24%
Robert Morris University   Chicago, IL 24%
Washington and Lee University   Lexington, VA 24%
Bucknell University   Lewisburg, PA 25%
California Institute of the Arts   Valencia, CA 25%
Grinnell College   Grinnell, IA 25%
Hamilton College    Clinton, NY 25%
Haverford College   Haverford, PA 25%
Babson College   Babson Park, MA 26%
Berklee College of Music   Boston, MA 26%
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor   Ann Arbor, MI 26%
Vassar College   Poughkeepsie, NY 26%
Colgate University   Hamilton, NY 27%
Northeastern University   Boston, MA 28%
Scripps College   Claremont, CA 28%
Southwestern Assemblies of God University   Waxahachie, TX 28%
Boston College   Chestnut Hill, MA 29%
Medaille College   Buffalo, NY 29%
Oberlin College   Oberlin, OH 29%
Wake Forest University   Winston-Salem, NC 29%
Chicago State University   Chicago, IL 30%
CUNY--Lehman College   Bronx, NY 30%
Lafayette College   Easton, PA 30%
Lehigh University   Bethlehem, PA 30%
University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill   Chapel Hill, NC 30%
University of Virginia   Charlottesville, VA 30%
Wellesley College   Wellesley, MA 30%
California Polytechnic State University--San Luis Obispo   San Luis Obispo, CA 31%
Corban University   Salem, OR 31%
Tulane University   New Orleans, LA 31%
University of Richmond   Univ. of Richmond, VA 31%
Bard College   Annandale on Hudson, NY 32%
Catawba College   Salisbury, NC 32%
College of New Rochelle   New Rochelle, NY 32%
CUNY--Baruch College   New York, NY 32%
Franklin and Marshall College   Lancaster, PA 32%
Georgia Institute of Technology   Atlanta, GA 32%
Memphis College of Art   Memphis, TN 32%
New England Conservatory of Music   Boston, MA 32%
Thomas University   Thomasville, GA 32%
Trinity College   Hartford, CT 33

자... 훑어 보셨나요? 대학 리스트가 너무 많아서, 보기 쉽게 색으로 표시를 해 보았는데요,
우리에게 익숙한 대학교도 있지만, 생소한 대학들도 보일 것입니다.
이는 미국 State별로 전체 합격률을 본것 (State별 유명 대학), 특수학교 (음대나, 아트스쿨, 해군, 공군사관학교)도 함께 명시 되어 있기때문입니다. 

찰스 블로거의 자료들이 조금이나마 수험생 여러분들께 도움이 되길 바라며
목표 점수를 향해 매진하는 여러분들이 대견합니다.

찰스 온라인 클리닉은
미국, 한국, 일본, 호주, 유럽, 중동, 중남미, 아프리카  전 세계 수험생들과
10여 년간 SAT. ACT. 토플 수업을 함께 하고 있으며,
아이비리그, 명문 대학, 명문 보딩 스쿨 합격자 배출하였습니다.

 공식 홈페이지 http://www.satssat.com

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