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책 커버를 클릭하면 amazon.com으로 이동 책을 구입 할 수 있습니다.
The biography of Renaissance sculptor and artist Michelangelo, this book does just what its title promises-showing the torment and triumph of this gifted genius. It is a book you will never forget.
A romantic story about a young girl who escapes the marital discord and tension in her own home by retreating to a mansion. Little does she know that the mansion will transport her back in time to the 1890's.
Meet Franny and Zooey Glass-siblings in the famous Glass family of geniuses. The book-a series of short stories-presents characters you will never forget.
The amazing true story of a high school football team. See how the Permian Panthers of Odessa, Texas transformed their community.
Set in China in the early twentieth century, this story chronicles the life of a peasant family. Told in simple and realistic style, it is an unforgettable story .
A young man survives a small plane crash and must make his way through the wilderness armed only with a hatchet.
Enter the world of magic and mystery created in this classic tale of good vs. evil.
This New York Times bestseller is the chilling story of survival and adventure on board the Essex. It recounts the true events that inspired Moby Dick.
Shakespeare tackles politics and betrayal in this classic tragedy.
Hemingway's story of a fisherman and the fish he catches is far more than a fish story.
Jill Ker Conway's event-filled memoir of growing up on the wild Australian outback.
A romantic tragedy about teen romance and feuding families.
This classic story of friendship and emotion is set in a boarding school during WW II.
Winner of the 2000 Christopher Award, the book tells the story of the courage an conviction of Cassie Bernall , one of the young victims of the Columbine shooting.
The classic coming-of-age novella traces the journey of a young man as he attempts to discover the meaning of life through prayer, sacrifice and mystical experience.
This classic tale of the French Revolution has it all-scenes of bravery and of horror, scenes of love and of despair, scenes of compassion.
Learn about the Daoist philosophy from that most reflective of bears, Winnie the Pooh!
A young man's memories of what growing up is really like.
A fast-paced thriller that makes history and physics fun - by the author of Jurassic Park.
A wonderful book about a girl growing up. Although set in the early 1900's, the tribulations faced by the young heroine will ring true with readers of the new millennium.
First published in 1898, Wells classic "pseudo-scientific" tale tells of an invasion from Mars.
It is 1963 and an African American family from Michigan heads for Birmingham for a family visit. There they find hatred and more.
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