
2016년 11월 12일 토요일

미국 대학 기본 인터뷰 예상 모음

1. Why are you interested in our college?
2. what can I tell you about our college?
3. Tell me about yourself
4. Who in your life has most influenced you?
5. Why do you want to major in ______?

6. What did you do this summer?
7. What do you do best?
8. Who do you most admire?
9. What can our college offer you that another college can't?
10. What do you think about the latest news headline?14. Who is your hero?

11. What high school experience was most important to you?
12. Who most helped you get to where you are today
13. Tell me about your community service.
14. If you had a thousand dollars to give away, what would you do with it?
15. What subject in high school did you find the most challenging?

16. What will you contribute to our campus community?
17. Tell me about a challenge that you overcame.
18. What do you do for fun in your free time?
19. What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?
20. Does your high school record accurately reflect your effort and ability?

21. If you could do one thing in high school differently, what would it be?
22. What do you hope to do after graduation?
23. Why do you want to go to college?
24. How do you define success?
25. What is your biggest weakness? 

26. What makes you special?
27. What makes you special?
28. In college, what do you plan to do outside of the classroom?


Posted by Charles' Team

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