
2016년 7월 26일 화요일

고려대학교 국제인재 수시전형 주요사항 (2017)

2017 고려대학교 국제인재 수시전형 주요사항

수시전형 주요 사항 
모집단위 및 모집인원 : 290명 내외

국내·외 정규 고등학교 졸업(예정)자 또는 관련 법령에 의하여 이와 동등 이상의 학력이 있다고 인정된 자로서 세계를 선도할 역량을 갖추고 외국어(서어)분야에서
탁월한 재능과 열정을 보인 자
※ 외국에서 고등학교를 졸업한 경우학력 인정 여부는 해당 국가별 학제 및 학기 등을 고려하여 판단함
수능 최저학력기준해당 없음

전형요소 및 평가방법
1단계    서류 100%
2단계    1단계 성적 70% + 면접 30%

원서접수           9. 19.() 10:00  9. 21.() 18:00
제출서류도착 확인   10. 7.
1단계 합격자발표 10. 25.() 17:00
면접고사              10. 30.() 08:45, 13:45
최종합격자발표    11. 8.() 17:00

국내고등학교 졸업(예정)자 제출서류
학교생활기록부자기소개서활동증빙서류목록표, 활동증빙서류 (해당자), 외국고등학교 성적증명서 (해당자)
외국고등학교 School Profile (해당자)

외국고등학교 졸업(예정)자 제출서류
외국고등학교 재학증명서 성적증명서 졸업(예정)증명서자기소개서, 외국학교 조사표, 외국고등학교 School Profile 
출입국사실증명서, 활동증빙서류목록표, 활동증빙서류, 학교생활기록부(해당자)

활동증빙서류 제출 유의사항
활동증빙서류란 고등학교 입학 이후 취득한 서류로서 외국어 성취학업 성취봉사활동 등의 활동을 증빙하는 서류를 의미함. 
아래 규칙을 반드시 지켜서 불이익이 없도록 해야 함
  ※ ()논문 및 특허 관련 서류 등은 제출서류로 받지 않고 평가에도 반영하지 않습니다. 
활동증빙서류는 A4용지 크기로 국내고 출신자는 최대5페이지검정고시·해외고 출신자는 최대 8페이지 이내에서 제출 가능함
모든 서류는 원본 또는 원본대조(발행기관출신고교 또는 본 대학교에서)를 받은 사본을 제출하는 것을 원칙으로 함원본대조를 한 사본에는 원본대조를 수행한 담당자의 이름,
    연락처를 서류 첫 장에 기재해야 함(원본대조를 받은 고등학교 서류 포함)
고등학교 입학 이후 취득한 것만을 인정함취득 후 제도적으로 재응시를 허용하지 않는 공인성적은 고등학교 이전에 취득한 것도 인정하며검정고시 합격자는 검정고시
    합격일로부터 과거 3년 이내의 활동에 관한 서류를 제출할 수 있음
공인성적은 최종합격 후 스코어리포팅을 신청하거나 본교에서 확인할 수 있는 수단을 제공해야 함서류의 유효기간 만료로 스코어리포팅이나 성적조회를 할 수 없는 경우 입학이 취소될 수 있으므로 반드시 확인해야 함
학교생활기록부에 기재된 내역 중 추가로 평가받고 싶은 활동내역이 있는 경우 ‘활동증빙서류목록표에 기재하고 ‘학교생활기록부 기재여부란에 표기
원본대조를 받은 사본 제출 시 양면축소분할 인쇄는 불가하며, CD, 제본동영상 등 비문서 형태 제출 불가
모든 서류는 A4 크기로 제출해야 하며제출하려는 서류가 A4 크기보다 큰 경우에만 A4 크기로축소 복사하여 제출할 수 있음

Posted by Charles' Team

2016년 7월 24일 일요일

2016 평택 크리스천 외국인학교 입학 주요사항

2016 평택 크리스천 외국인학교 입학 주요사항

입학 주요사항 
All students enrolling at ICS-P will be assigned to a classroom after the entrance level examination and consultation of the parents/guardian. 
Grade placement prior to receipt of school records is tentative. 
All students NOT submitting test scores of recent standardized achievement test may be required to take a school administered achievement test.

All grade levels have a limit on enrollment this also includes a limit on ELD students enrolled per grade. Qualified students will be accepted in order of their registration. Returning students are given preference in enrollment up to a given date. When the limit of enrollment of the class has been reached, qualified students will be placed on the waiting list.

2015 - 16 학비  
6th-12th grade   w.  13,922,000/annually

Posted by Charles' Team

2016 국제 크리스천 학교 입학 주요사항

2016 국제 크리스천 학교 입학 주요사항
International Christian School

(1) a foreign national (i.e., foreign passport holder)
(2) if the applicant’s parents are both a Korean national, the applicant (child) must have lived outside of Korea for at least 1095 days (three years).

입학 주요 체크리스트
Complete the application form and submit with accompanying documents to the school office. Required documents include: 1. Completed application 2. Photocopy of passport title page 3. Complete immunization records 4. Complete school records from a previous school (in English, and please include standardized tests scores)

The school will contact the parent of the child if an English Language test is thought to be necessary. A fee of 50,000 KRW will be charged for the English Language test. An interview with the parent and child will be given after the test has been scored.

Parents are notified whether their child has been offered admissions after the test and interview. Enrollment is not considered final until a $700 US registration and $200 capital fee has been paid.

2016 - 17 학비 
Middle / High School 15,043,500 Won

SAT 평균 점수

                                                                                                Posted by Charles' Team

글로벌 Teacher 찰스팍 선생님의 powerful program
온라인을 통해 세계 각지의 학생들에게 SAT, SSAT, ACT, TOEFL지도

조선일보 찰스샘 뉴스 보기

2016년 7월 22일 금요일

2016 지구촌 기독 외국인학교 입학 체크리스트

2016 지구촌 기독 외국인학교 입학 주요 체크리스트

Global Christian Foreign School 


1) The applicant's parents/guardians hold a Korean passport and the applicant holds documentation from the Korean Ministry of Immigration proving at least 3 years of residence and/or 6 semesters of school outside of Korea. 
2) At least 1 parent or guardian holds a foreign passport (cannot have duel citizenship) regardless of the applicant's citizenship.
3) The applicant is a transfer student from another international school in Korea

All parents, upon admissions of the student(s), are required to read, sign and support the school's philosophy and doctrinal statement demonstrating their support of Christian Education. 
Although GCFS respects the religious preferences of our students' parents and does not discriminate on the basis of religious affiliation, all instruction is given in the context of our statement of faith (located in 'About' page). Students from other religious backgrounds may not be excused from religious instruction or activities of the school. 

학비 2016 - 17 
Middle & High School (7-12)
Tuition Fee USD $5,000 + KRW 13,000,000won

Scholarships are given to children of full-time pastors and missionaries upon verification.    
Middle & High School (7-12) Reduced Tuition USD $4,000 + KRW 10,400,000won

Posted by Charles' Team

2016 한국 켄트 외국인학교 입학 주요사항

2016 한국 켄트 외국인학교 입학 주요사항

Korea Kent Foreign School 

어드미션 주요 체크리스트 
Application form
2 Color Photos (size 3*4cm)
Copies of Student's and both Parents' Passports
Proof of your Eligibility in one of the categories below
3 Years Overseas
Official Certificate of the Facts Concerning the Entry and Exit Record
Foreign Parent(s)
Copy of valid Alien Registration Card of parent(s) or 외국국적동포국내거소신고증
Non-Korean Citizen Holding Statement
Korean Family Registry, if applicable (가족관계증명서)

Transfer from other Accredited International School(s)
* Enrollment certificate from previous school containing applicant's eligibility for admission to International School.
* Documents that prove the above eligibility is still valid
6 semesters
* Official Report Cards for 6 semesters from schools abroad.

Confidential Recommendation Letters to be filled out by current teachers and to be sent directly to 
Admissions Office 
* Elementary School (Grades 2-5)
One Recommendation Letter from current Homeroom teacher
* Middle School (Grade 6)
One Recommendation Letter from current English teacher
* Middle School (Grades 7-8) / High School (Grades 9-12)
Two Recommendation Letters – From current English and Math teachers.
Official transcripts – Current and last 3 years are required. All reports must be official and translated into English with notarization.
Standardized Test results – if available
Completed medical record form (including immunization form).

2016 -17 학비
Middle School (6-8)        19,200,000
High School (9-12)         20,800,000

Posted by Charles' Team

2016년 7월 21일 목요일

2016 덜위치칼리지서울영국학교 어드미션 체크리스트

2016 덜위치칼리지서울영국학교 어드미션 체크리스트

Students applying for entry into Year 7-13 must submit current/prior school records. 
A Confidential Teacher Comment Report from their class teacher or Principal is also required. 
Students also undertake assessments to ensure they can access the curriculum. 
The Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) consists of verbal, quantitative and non-verbal assessments. 
Candidates whose first language is English will also complete a 60-minute writing assignment. 
Candidates whose first language is something other than English will also take an “English as an Additional Language" assessment. Students will also need to provide their Subject Options for review as part of the admissions process. 
Candidates for the IGCSE and the IB Diploma will also be interviewed by the Head or Deputy Head of Senior School.

Entry into Year 11 
Applications for enrolment into Year 11 are considered on a case by case basis and are typically not considered for Term 2 and 3 as current students will be on study leave for mock exams and final exams for a large portion of this period.

Entry into Year 12 
Candidates applying for a place in Year 12 will be interviewed by the IB Coordinator or Head of Senior School.

Entry into Year 13
The College will very rarely consider entry into Year 13. To be considered, students must be applying from a nearly identical IB programme and is evaluated on a case by case basis.

Once all items have been received, the Admission Committee will review the student's application materials and inform parents about the admission decision. As Dulwich College Seoul is a selective school, not all students who apply will be offered a place. We select in those students who appear to be most likely to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.

2016 - 17 학비 
Nursery and Reception: KRW 29.723 million
Year 1 to Year 9: KRW 30.279 million
Year 10 to Year 11: KRW 30.9505 million
Year 12 to Year 13: KRW 31.988 million

Posted by Charles' Team