
레이블이 덜위치칼리지서울영국학교 어드미션 체크리스트인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 덜위치칼리지서울영국학교 어드미션 체크리스트인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2016년 7월 21일 목요일

2016 덜위치칼리지서울영국학교 어드미션 체크리스트

2016 덜위치칼리지서울영국학교 어드미션 체크리스트

Students applying for entry into Year 7-13 must submit current/prior school records. 
A Confidential Teacher Comment Report from their class teacher or Principal is also required. 
Students also undertake assessments to ensure they can access the curriculum. 
The Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) consists of verbal, quantitative and non-verbal assessments. 
Candidates whose first language is English will also complete a 60-minute writing assignment. 
Candidates whose first language is something other than English will also take an “English as an Additional Language" assessment. Students will also need to provide their Subject Options for review as part of the admissions process. 
Candidates for the IGCSE and the IB Diploma will also be interviewed by the Head or Deputy Head of Senior School.

Entry into Year 11 
Applications for enrolment into Year 11 are considered on a case by case basis and are typically not considered for Term 2 and 3 as current students will be on study leave for mock exams and final exams for a large portion of this period.

Entry into Year 12 
Candidates applying for a place in Year 12 will be interviewed by the IB Coordinator or Head of Senior School.

Entry into Year 13
The College will very rarely consider entry into Year 13. To be considered, students must be applying from a nearly identical IB programme and is evaluated on a case by case basis.

Once all items have been received, the Admission Committee will review the student's application materials and inform parents about the admission decision. As Dulwich College Seoul is a selective school, not all students who apply will be offered a place. We select in those students who appear to be most likely to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.

2016 - 17 학비 
Nursery and Reception: KRW 29.723 million
Year 1 to Year 9: KRW 30.279 million
Year 10 to Year 11: KRW 30.9505 million
Year 12 to Year 13: KRW 31.988 million

Posted by Charles' Team