
레이블이 코넬 대학교 (Cornell University)인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 코넬 대학교 (Cornell University)인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2016년 5월 2일 월요일

2016 코넬 대학교 Cornell U SAT/ACT/TOEFL 분석

2015년 데이터 기준

코넬 대학교 SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS 점수 분석 자료 입니다.
공부하는데 도움이 되길 바랍니다.

SAT Critical Reading 650 - 730, Math 660 -770, Writig 490-640
ACT Composite: 23 / 30,  English: 22 / 31, Math: 23 / 28 
TOEFL and IELTS Requirements The recommended minimum scores are: TOEFL - Score of 100 (Internet-based exam) and 600 (paper exam) IELTS - Score of 7

2016 코넬대학교 국제학생을 위한 Application Tips.

코넬대학교를 지원하고자 하는 유학생들을 위한 입학 지원 팁을 올려 보았습니다.
대학을 목표로 공부하는 학생들에게 좋은 참고가 되길 바랍니다.

  • We want to review at least 3 years of secondary school records that list subjects you studied and marks receivedfor each subject. State or national tests or other external exams taken should be included also (GCSE, Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education, ICSE, etc.). If there is a provincial, national or other board exam you will take on completing school (A-Levels, Higher Secondary Certificate, I.B., German Abitur, etc.) please ask the school official who completes your secondary school report to include predicted marks.
  • All transcripts and certificates must be official and must be translated into English. If you have attended more than one school, you should request a separate transcript from each school.
  • Do not send supporting documents until you have sent your application.
  • Please do not send materials in plastic covers or multiple envelopes and do not bind application materials together in any way. Lengthy bound documents cannot be included with applications. If you have completed a special project, submit a one-page summary and letter of recommendation from the teacher or other person who supervised the project. Do not send copies of individual awards or distinctions. These personal accomplishments should be summarized on one page.
  • Although some colleges and universities require a statement or certification of finances as part of the application, Cornell University does not require this information during the application process. Please do not send this information with your application. If you are admitted to Cornell University, we will then request this information from you.

  • Important Note for First-Year Applicants
    For all students who plan to enroll, we require their final grades be sent directly from the high school. In addition, we may be contacting you to verify transcript authenticity when we conduct audits. The Undergraduate Admissions Office at Cornell University conducts audits to verify the authenticity of final transcripts for a random sampling of entering freshmen.

2016년 5월 1일 일요일

2016 코넬대학교 입학 요강

2016 코넬대학교 입학 요강과 체크리스트 입니다


Admission Requirements 10 things you need to know

1. Basic Requirements

2. Choosing a College

3. Application

4. Application Supporting Materials

5. Cornell University Supplemental Information

6. Official Transcript

7. Standardized Test Scores

8. Application Fee

9. Interviews

10. Additional Submissions

2016 코넬대학교 유학생 장학금 & FA 정보

2016 코넬대학교 유학생 장학금 & Financial Aid 정보 입니다.

Financial awards are all based on demonstrated financial need only
Cornell offers no athletic or merit scholarships. All Cornell scholarships that reward grades, leadership ability, or other special academic talents are need-based.

2016년 4월 5일 화요일

코넬 대학교 (Cornell University) 입학/입시 요강

코넬 대학교 (Cornell University)

코넬 대학교는 1865년 설립된 사립학교로 아이비리그 학교이며뉴욕주 Ithaca 에 위치해 있다. 500여개의 학생클럽이 있으며신입생들은 주로 North Campus 에서 생활하나 고학년들은 캠퍼스 밖에서 많이 생활한다코넬대는 농학가정경제환경공학재료공학농공학 등이 최고 수준이며호텔경영대학도 명성이 높다교수대 학생 비율은 1  11이며학부 교육을 중시하고 그 우수성이 뛰어난 학교이다.

뉴욕주, Ithaca


20,939 (학부생:14,000)


USnews 랭킹추이 

합격자 SAT 평균 점수
Math 720
Verbal 680
Writing 685
Combined 2085

토플 요구점수
100 (IBT)

인기 전공 학과
Engineering : 18%
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services : 13%
Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences : 12%
Biological and Biomedical Sciences : 12%

필수 지원 서류
지원서성적증명서인터뷰추천서에세이, SAT I, SAT II, 토플 등

입학 지원시 합격 여부를 결정 지을 매우 중요한 조건들
Application Essay / Extracurricular Activities / Recommendations / Rigor of secondary school record / Standardized Test Scores / Talent & Ability / Academic GPA / Class Rank