
2017년 7월 15일 토요일

난양공과대학 SAT. ACT. 토플, 장학금 정보

오늘 찰스 온라인 클리닉에서는 난양공과대학 NTU  지원 SAT. ACT. 토플 정보와 장학금에 대한 정보를 올려 보는 시간을 가져 보도록 하겠습니다.  난양 공대를 준비 하는 수험생들에게 유익한 정보가 되길 바랍니다.  

Nanyang Scholarship
Open to all nationalities.
Successful awardees should read a full-time undergraduate degree programme. The scholarship will cover the years of study^ at NTU.
Possess outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level, Diploma awarded by a polytechnic in Singapore, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma or Year 12 equivalent qualifications.
Excellent co-curricular records.
Strong leadership qualities and potential.

College Scholarship
Open to all nationalities.
Successful awardees should read a full-time undergraduate degree programme. The scholarship will cover the years of study^ at NTU.
Possess outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level, Diploma awarded by a polytechnic in Singapore, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma or Year 12 equivalent qualifications.
Good co-curricular records.
Good leadership qualities and potential.

ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship
Singapore Permanent Residents or Citizens from the ASEAN countries (except Singapore).
Successful awardees should read a full-time undergraduate degree programme leading to a first degree, with the exception of Renaissance Engineering Programme. For the Biomedical Sciences & Chinese Medicine Programme, the scholarship will cover only the first three years of study in NTU.
Possess outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level, Diploma awarded by a polytechnic in Singapore, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma or Year 12 equivalent qualifications.
Excellent co-curricular records.
Strong leadership qualities and potential.

University Scholars Programme (USP) Scholarship
Open to all nationalities.
Successful awardees should read a full-time undergraduate degree programme in NTU and be on the University Scholars Programme (USP).
Possess outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level, Diploma awarded by a polytechnic in Singapore, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma or Year 12 equivalent qualifications.
Excellent co-curricular records.
Strong leadership qualities and potential.

Renaissance Engineering Programme (REP) Scholarship
Open to all nationalities.
Successful awardees should read a full-time undergraduate Renaissance Engineering Programme in NTU.
Possess outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level, Diploma awarded by a polytechnic in Singapore, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma or Year 12 equivalent qualifications.
Excellent co-curricular records.
Strong leadership qualities and potential.

General Requirements

You must have completed at least 12 years of general education or will be taking High School national examinations in the year of application in order to be considered for admission. 

Submission of IELTS or TOEFL or SAT (previously known as SAT Reasoning Test or SAT 1)  or Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) or ACT with Writing or Ameson English scores are only compulsory for applicants
with PRC Gao Kao qualification (i.e. applicants who will be taking Gao Kao in June 2017 and those who have already taken Gao Kao) OR who do not take up English language in Junior and Senior High School or taken English language only as a 2nd language.

For IELTS, TOEFL and PTE Academic, only scores obtained in the 2 years leading up to the application deadline will be considered. The validity period for SAT and ACT is 5 years.

Minimum Subject Requirements
In addition to fulfilling the minimum entry requirements, you must also satisfy the minimum subject requirements for the programmes you apply. Check the minimum subject requirements of the programme you wish to apply. 

찰스 온라인 클리닉 합격 스토리 

찰스 온라인 클리닉은
미국, 한국, 일본, 호주, 유럽, 중동, 중남미, 아프리카  세계 각지의 수험생들과
15여 년간 에세이 지도 및 교정SAT. ACT. 토플 수업을 함께 하고 있으며,
아이비리그, 명문 대학, 명문 보딩 스쿨 합격자 배출하였습니다.

Posted by Charles' Team

 공식 홈페이지 http://www.satssat.com

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