
2016년 8월 23일 화요일

Virginia Tech 버지니아 폴리테크닉 주립대학교 - 유학생 어드미션, ACT, SAT

2017 Virginia Tech 
버지니아 폴리테크닉 주립대학교  International Students 어드미션, ACT, SAT

2016 National Universities 미국 대학 순위 70위, 
Best Colleges for Veterans 58위, High School Counselor  46위

When applying to Virginia Tech, it's important to note the application deadline is January 15, and the early decision deadline is November 01. The application fee at Virginia Tech is $60. Scores for either the ACT or SAT test are due 28-JAN-15. It is more selective, with an acceptance rate of 72.6 percent.

Test Scores -- 25th / 75th Percentile
SAT Critical Reading: 540 / 640, Math: 570 / 680,  Writing: 530 / 640
ACT Composite: - / -,  English: - / -,  Math: - / -

Fall 2016 Freshman Snapshot
SAT* scores ranged from 810 to 1600
ACT scores ranged from 17 to 36
(SAT scores reflect critical reading and math section scores only)

Academic Requirements for Freshmen
Before you can be considered for freshman admission, you must complete:
          3 units of math (includes algebra I, geometry, and algebra II)
          2 units of laboratory science (chosen from biology, chemistry or physics)
          additional academic units (foreign language is highly recommended)
Some majors have other requirements, such as an additional year of advanced math or lab science. Most students who are selected for admission have completed more than the minimum requirements and have at least a B+ grade point average.

English Language Requirements
Applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English by taking ONE of following tests.
          Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), administered by the Educational Testing Services of Princeton, New Jersey. 
          We recommend the TOEFL or IELTS be taken by January 15. Late test scores MUST be received by March 1.
          Internet-based test: at least 80, with no section sub-score less than 16
          Computer-based test: at least 233
          Paper-based test: at least 550

SAT/ACT Requirements
Virginia Tech accepts either the SAT Reasoning Test (including critical reading and math) or ACT test scores. 

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit
Virginia Tech awards college credit ONLY for the German Abitur, A Levels, International Baccalaureate, and AP courses. 

Most Popular Majors: Accounting, Biology, Business Management, Civil Engineering, Communication Studies, Finance, Human Sciences, Marketing, Mechanical Engineering, Nutrition and Wellness Studies, Psychology

Posted by Charles' Team

2016년 8월 21일 일요일

미국 유학생과 non-citizens를 위한 장학금 종류

미국 유학생과 NON- Citizens 에게 오픈되어 있는 장학금 리스트 소개

Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship Contest
 Award: $10,000
 Description: Applicants must create and submit a photo, artwork, or a computer graphic 
for the front of a greeting card. International students are eligible as long as they have 
a student visa to attend school in the United States.
 Administered by the Gallery Collection

Davis-Putter Scholarship
 Award: $1,000 - $10,000
 Description: Applicants must be active in movements for social and/or economic justice. 
US citizenship is not required; however, applicants must have participated in activities 
in the United States and plan to attend an accredited program in the United States.
 Administered by the Davis Putter Scholarship Fund

Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest
 Award: $500 - $5,000
 Description: Applicants must submit an essay on a given topic. International students 
and non-US citizens are eligible as long as they attend a college or 
university in the United States.
 Administered by the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity

EngineerGirl Essay Contest
 Award: $100 - $500
 Description: Applicants must submit an essay on a given topic on engineering as it 
relates to modern medicine. International students may apply; however, they must make 
an effort to be sure they enter in the appropriate grade category, and all essays will be held 
to the same standards, even if the student is not a native English speaker.
 Administered by the National Academy of Engineering

Fraser Institute Essay Contest
 Award: $500 - $1,000
 Description: Applicants must submit an essay on a given topic. International students 
  are  eligible.
 Administered by the Fraser Institute

Global Scholarship Alliance Scholarship Program
 Award: varies
 Description: Applicants must be international students interested in studying nursing 
  at an accredited university in the United States.
 Administered by the Global Scholarship Alliance

Google Science Fair
 Award: $25,000 - $50,000
 Description: Applicants must create a science fair project in one of the specified 
  categories, individually or in a team. This program is open to students worldwide.
 Administered by Google

Gulen Institute Youth Platform Essay Contest
 Award: $50 - $3,000
 Description: Applicants must submit a research-based essay on a given topic. 
  This contest is open to students worldwide.
 Administered by the Gulen Institute

Herbert Lehman Scholarship
 Award: $2,000
 Description: Applicants must be of excellent character and present strong academic 
  records, test scores, and personal essays. Non-US citizens are eligible.
 Administered by the NAACP Legal Defense Fund

National Peace Essay Contest for High School Students
 Award: $1,000 - $10,000
 Description: Applicants must submit an essay on a given topic. Students attending 
  high school in the United States are eligible regardless of citizenship.
 Administered by United States Institute of Peace

Posted by Charles' Team
[출처:about education]

PSAT의 모든것 : 어떤 시험이며, 어떻게 준비해야 할까

PSAT는 주로 10학년 11학년들이 보는 시험으로 
National Merit 장학금 지원등을 목표로 할 경우 필요한 시험이며, 
SAT 준비를 위한 전 단계라 보시면 됩니다

National Merit: The PSAT is also called the NMSQT, or the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. 
Scoring well on the PSAT can get you a National Merit Scholarship.
Scholarships: You can still get some from other organizations, 
                      even if you don’t qualify for the National Merit Scholarship.

10학년 PSAT 평균 점수대:  Evidence-Based Reading and Writing: 479 Math: 479
11학년 PSAT 평균 점수대 : Evidence-Based Reading and Writing: 489 Math: 498

PSAT와  Redesigned SAT 차이점

Structure: Redesigned SAT has 153 questionsPSAT has  138 questions.
Length:    SAT is 3 hrs. plus 50 minutes for the optional essay.; PSAT is 2 hrs. 45 minutes.
Purpose:  SAT is used for college admissions and scholarships.
             PSAT is used for National Merit Recognition and scholarships.
Scoring:   SAT has a possible score of 1600 
             PSAT has a possible score of 1520.

어떤 방식과 목표를 가지고 PSAT를 준비 해야 할까?
If your goal is to win a National Merit Scholarship, then you should invest some serious study time into the PSAT; you must score in the upper 95th – 99th percentile to even be considered. 
If your goal is simply SAT prep, then relax a little bit and use the PSAT as a preview for the real test. 
Let your final score determine which sections to focus on for the SAT.

How To Qualify for the NMSQT
First things first. Before anyone will every look at your PSAT/NMSQT score, you have to have the following things going for you. Give yourself a point if you are…
A U.S. citizen/intended U.S. citizen
Enrolled full time in high school
Taking the PSAT your junior year
Carrying a strong academic record
Going to complete the NMSC Scholarship application

                                                                                Posted by Charles' Team

2016년 8월 19일 금요일

2017 University of Pittsburgh 피츠버그 대학교 어드미션 & ACT.SAT 점수 분석

2017 University of Pittsburgh 
피츠버그 대학교 어드미션 & ACT.SAT 점수 분석

츠버그 대학교는 미국 펜실베이니아주 피츠버그시에 세워진 
미국의 유서 깊은 연구중심 대학이며 공립대학이다.
의대와 사회과학대를 중심으로 한 대학원 평판이 세계적으로 높다.
U.S. News 미국대학 순위 66, Best global university 세계 47
National Science Foundation 보고에 의하면 
북미 연구개발비 투자액 순위로는 16위를 차지하였다.


When applying to University of Pittsburgh, it's important to note the application deadline is rolling. The application fee at University of Pittsburgh is $45. Scores for either the ACT or SAT test are due N/A. It is more selective, with an acceptance rate of 53.1 percent.

Test Scores -- 25th / 75th Percentile
SAT Critical Reading: 580 / 670, Math: 600 / 690, Writing: 570 / 670
ACT Composite: 26 / 31, English: 27 / 33, Math: 26 / 32, Writing: 8 / 9

Preparing to Apply

1.     Honors, AP, International Baccalaureate (IB), and College in High School classes. It’s good to take a number of such classes, but don’t take so many you can’t do reasonably well in them.
2.     Advanced level classes. The Committee is looking for a well-rounded curriculum from all applicants. Whenever possible, go beyond the minimum requirements. Four years of French and/or math, for example, looks better on a transcript than three.
3.     Taking the SAT or ACT more than once. We recommend that you test once in the junior year and once early in the senior year. We will superscore your SAT Critical Reading or Evidence Based Reading and Writing subscore and your math subscore. We will use the highest of the SAT superscore or the ACT composite score in reviewing your application for admission. You are not required to submit SAT Essay or ACT Writing test scores.

Application Requirements
Official SAT or ACT test results (SAT Essay and ACT Writing Test scores not required).
Letters of Recommendation

Short Answer Questions: 
In lieu of an essay or personal statement, we ask interested applicants to answer a series of short answer questions. Answering the following questions is optional, but strongly encouraged. 
The Admissions Committee reviews responses for quality rather than length. However, the most effective responses typically range from 250-500 words in total for all three questions. 

1. How have you overcome failure and what did you learn from it?
2. How have you exhibited outstanding leadership?
3. Why is Pitt a good choice for you?

In-state tuition and fees $18,192 (2015-16)
Out-of-state tuition and fees $28,958 (2015-16)

Most Popular Majors: Accounting, Biology, Creative Writing, Finance, History, Marketing, Nursing, Political Science, Psychology, Speech and Rhetorical Studies

Posted by Charles' Team

글로벌 Teacher 찰스팍 선생님의 powerful program
온라인을 통해 세계 각지의 학생들에게 SAT, SSAT, ACT, TOEFL지도

조선일보 찰스샘 뉴스 보기

오클라호마 스포츠특기생 동부명문보딩 목표

학교 빛내줄 특기생들 학교 성적/공인인증 결과 좋다면 우선 고려 대상,

그러나 특기가 Application에 효과적으로 반영될 수 있도록 해야.

보딩이나 대학들이 학생들을 심사할 때 특별한 특기가 있는지도 심사 대상이 되는데요, 

공식적으로 보여줄 수 있는 특기가 있다면 반드시 Advantage 가 적용됩니다. 

그렇다 하더라도 학교 성적이나 공인 점수가 잘 나올 수 있도록 노력해야 하며, Application 내에 그러한 특기가 심사관들에게 appeal 될 수 있도록 잘 작성이 되어야겠습니다. 

아래 수업 중인 오클라호마 학생도 National Competition에서 우승한 경험이 있는 특별한 학생인데요, 미국 동부 명문 보딩 지원을 위해 열심히 노력하기로 했습니다. 

이 학생이 꼭 합격해서 미 동부를 누비며 국위선양할 기회가 온다면 참 기쁘겠습니다. 

이제 미국 명문 보딩 공격수들이 긴장 좀 해야 할 듯합니다. ㅎㅎ

아, 그런데 요즘 참 그로톤이 인기가 많네요. ~
