
2016년 7월 15일 금요일

2016 청라 달튼 외국인학교 어드미션 주요 체크리스트

2016 청라 달튼 외국인학교 어드미션 주요 체크리스트

학교 소개
청라달튼외국인학교는 인천광역시 서구 청라국제도시에 위치한 외국인학교 입니다.
대한민국의 외국인학교 중 최초로 국내 학력이 인정되는 외국인학교이며,
국내 최초로 내국인 학교법인이 운영하는 외국인학교로핀란드에서 실시하는 5학기제를 운영하며학력인증을 동시에 받을 수 있어한국을 포함한 세계 영어권 국가에 있는 대학으로의 진학이 가능합니다.

At least one of the parents should hold a foreign passport.
Student must have been out of the country of Korea for more than 1,095 days at the time of enrollment.

어드미션 주요 체크리스트
1. Passport Copies
  - Father
  - Mother
  - Student
2. Proof of Eligibility
  - Foreign passport holders: copy of Alien Registration Card (student and parents) needed
  - Korean passport holders: copy of Certificate of Entry and Exit (student only) needed
3. Agreement Forms
  - Parent Agreement Form
  - Refund Policy Agreement Form
  - Waiver of Liability Form
4. Transcripts (submit official, sealed transcripts or report cards)
  - Transcripts in a language other than English or Korean must be translated to English and the original must be submitted with the translation.
  - First Program : past two years, including year in progress.
  - Middle and High school : past three years, including year in progress.
5. Recommendation Letters (submit them using the CDS Confidential Recommendation Forms)
6. Official Results from Most Recent Standardized Tests 
(e.g. FP-ERB, ISEE, STAR, MS/HS- e.g. Stanford 10, STAR, Iowa, Terra Nova, CAT, SSAT, PSAT, SAT, ACTetc.) where applicable.
7. Medical Forms
  - Medical History Forms filled out by parents (2 pages)
  - Report of Medical Exam filled out by a physician (1 page)

Interviewing and testing days will be set according to the availability of the parents and students. Please note that affording the student an opportunity to interview and test does not guarantee placement at CDS.

Testing Hours
Hours                      5th ~ 8th Grade              9th ~ 12th Grade
09:00~10:30       Listening / Reading            Listening / Reading
10:30~11:20                 Math                                    Math
11:20~11:50              Short Essay                     English Writing

Middle School (MS)        Grade 5 ~ Grade 8         KRW 17,600,000 plus USD 5,500
High School (HS)            Grade 9 ~ Grade 12       KRW 19,000,000 plus USD 5,500

AP 15 과목
AP Biology , AP Physics, AP Calculus AB , AP Psychology, AP Calculus BC ,AP Spanish Language and Culture, AP Chemistry, AP Statistics, AP Chinese Language and Culture, AP US History, AP Economics, AP World History, AP Literature and Composition, AP Language and Composition, AP Studio Art

Posted by Charles' Team

2016 경남 국제 외국인 학교 어드미션 주요 체크리스트

2016 경남 국제 외국인 학교 어드미션 주요 체크리스트

학교 소개 
경남국제외국인학교(Gyeongnam International Foreign School)는 경상남도 사천시에 있는 외국인학교이다
현재 유치원부터 고등학교까지의 과정을 운영하고 있다.

지원 자격
Expatriate children
Children from a marriage where one parent is Korean and the other parent is an expatriate
Korean children who were educated overseas for more than three years
Legally adopted Korean children by an expatriate family
Children entering Preschool must be toilet trained before entrance

어드미션 주요 체크 리스트
Registration Form
Student Information Form
Copy of Foreign Passport for Non-Koreans / or copy of Residency Card
Certificate of Overseas Travel Record for Korean children
Official Transcripts from previous school
Immunization Record
Medical Information Form
Power of Attorney / Waiver Form
Statement of Understanding of Refund Policy

Secondary (Grades 6 – 10)
All prospective entrants must have an interview with a member of the school administration or admissions staff. Students are required to take the PET test and the IPT oral test to determine their level and need for support.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma – Grades 11 – 12
All prospective entrants must have an interview with the IB Coordinator. An English language test is mandatory where a student does not have English as a first language to be conducted by the ELL Coordinator. The minimum standard is a pass in the Cambridge FCE exam, or equivalent.
Entrance to Grade 11, to begin IBDP studies, requires a minimum of five passes in (I)GCSE with C grade or better, or in the case of a student entering from another system, evidence that they have reached a standard of academic achievement such that they are likely to succeed in the IB program. The student must select option subjects from our course list.
Entry may be given after January providing it is clearly understood that the student may have to start Grade 11 again the following year if inadequate progress makes this necessary.
For students unable to meet our IBDP entry requirements an alternative course may be offered.

For Entry in Grade 12
All prospective entrants must have an interview with the IB Coordinator and Principal.
Students who have already completed 1 year of study at a comparable level to Grade 11 in the IB, and are adjudged to have a reasonable chance of success in either the IB certificate or diploma examinations, will be considered on their merits. They will be required to meet the minimum number of hours for each IBDP course, which may require additional (after school) instruction.

Middle School (6-8)   Annual  4,000.00   PLUS    20,600,000
High School (9-12)    Annual  $ 4,000.00   PLUS     21,600,000

Posted by Charles' Team

2016년 7월 14일 목요일

2016 대전 외국인 학교 어드미션 주요 체크리스트

2016 대전 외국인 학교 어드미션 주요 체크리스트

어드미션 주요 체크리스트

1. 지원자격

* Children living in Korea with a parent(s) that holds a non-Korean passport & alien registration card are eligible to apply as a foreign student.

* To be eligible as a Korean citizen (including dual citizens), the student must meet the following criteria: 

Children must have studied outside of Korea for 3 years or lived outside of Korea for a total of 1095 days prior to enrollment, are eligible to apply.

2. Application Form
  • Complete the official application form & the “Consent Form for Personal Information” online. 
    (Families can also complete the application on paper and send it to the TCIS Admissions Office by post or email scan.)
  • An Admissions Counselor will contact you to confirm receipt of your application and about current space availability at TCIS. 

3. Application Fee

  • After your application has been received, an Admissions Counselor will contact you about payment of the Application Fee (W300,000 KRW).
  • Please sign and submit the Refund Policy Agreement along with your payment.

4. Testing & Interview

After receipt of your application, the Admissions Counselor will arrange a date for the student to come to TCIS for an interview and relevant testing:
  • Age 4 - Grade 2: Interview with Teacher
  • Grades 3-5: English Test
  • Grades 6-10: English & Math Tests
  • Grades 11-12: English, Math, and other testing for DP

등록금 (2016-2017 school year)
TCIS is a non-profit school. All tuition income is used for operating expenses and student programs. Please contact the Admissions Office or Finance Office if you have any questions about the tuition schedule.

Annual Tuition
US Dollars        
Korean Won
Elementary School (Grades K1-5)             $5,820.00          plus      W 14,668,000
Secondary School (Grades 6-8)                $6,850.00          plus      W 17,252,000
Secondary School (Grades 9-12)          $8,530.00          plus      W 21,484,000

Merit Scholarship 
Taejon Christian International School seeks to encourage academic scholarship, competitiveness, and all-around educational excellence by providing merit scholarships to highly deserving high school students enrolling in Grades 10, 11, and 12 at the school. (Grade 12 students may receive the distinction of the BOT Merit Scholarship but not the financial award.) The school also seeks to support the matriculation of deserving students from TCIS to highly selective colleges/universities worldwide by recruiting and retaining a strong cohort of high school scholars at the school.

Posted by Charles' Team

2016 경기 수원 외국인 학교 어드미션 주요 체크리스트

2016 경기 수원 외국인 학교 어드미션 주요 체크리스트

어드미션 주요 체크리스트 

1  입학 원서를 작성합니다.           
2  유효기간이 지나지 않은 학생의 여권과 외국인등록증 사본을 준비합니다내국인 자격으로 응시 할 경우 만3년 이상 외국에 거주했음을 증명하는 서류 (학교재학기록거주증명출입국사실증명 등를 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.  
3  영문으로 된 지난 3년간의 학교 성적표를 모두 동봉하셔야 합니다.
(9학년 이상일 경우는 반드시 학교에서 발행한 밀봉된 성적표- Official Transcript-를 제출하셔야 됩니다.)          
4  추천서 양식을 학교 홈페이지에서 내려받아 제출하시기 바랍니다.
            초등학생 - 담임 선생님의 추천서를 받아오시기 바랍니다.
            /고등학생 - 추천서 3부를 영어 선생님수학 선생님 및 교장 선생님으로부터 받아오시기 바랍니다.         
5  메디컬폼 (medical form) 을 작성합니다.
6  자기 소개서 (선택사항)  학생이 다른 사람 도움 없이 영어로 써야 합니다.

1. GSIS staff children
2. Ethnically non-Korean children who do not speak the Korean language
3. Ethnically Korean children who do not speak the Korean language
4. Applicants who have a sibling already at GSIS
5. Ethnically non-Korean children who are academically proficient in the Korean language
6. Ethnically Korean children who are academically proficient in the Korean language

등록금 (2016 -17) 
Upper Secondary School (Grades 9-12)      $8,060.00    /    21,190,000 KRW
High School Senior Fee                                250,000 KRW

Posted by Charles' Team

글로벌 Teacher 찰스팍 선생님의 powerful program
온라인을 통해 세계 각지의 학생들에게 SAT, SSAT, ACT, TOEFL지도

조선일보 찰스샘 뉴스 보기

2016년 7월 13일 수요일

2016 서울 외국인 학교 어드미션 주요 체크리스트

2016 서울 외국인 학교 어드미션 주요 체크리스트

입학 지원 주요 체크리스트 ( 고등학교 지원 Age 14 - 17 )
Online Application Form
Confidential Recommendation Form : filled out by current Mathematics teacher, English teacher
SFS Admissions Test which may or may not include an onsite ESL evaluation
If applicant is abroad, a standardized test score ( SSAT  or ISEE ) taken within the last 12 months can be accepted, or a test can be sent to an invigilator at the applicant’s current school
Writing Test
Report Cards (translated into English from the current year and the last two academic years)
High School Transcripts (translated into English)

지원 자격
# At least one parent is a non-Korean citizen; he/she does not have Korean citizenship.
# Both parents have Korean citizenship (regardless of single or dual citizenship), and the child has dual citizenship (with one being Korean).
# Both parents and the child have Korean citizenship and are not dual citizens of a second country.

TUITION (consisting of both a Korean Won portion and a U.S. Dollar portion) :
High School - Grades 9-12 W 25,500,000 plus $ 10,270.00

Posted by Charles' Team

글로벌 Teacher 찰스팍 선생님의 powerful program
온라인을 통해 세계 각지의 학생들에게 SAT, SSAT, ACT, TOEFL지도

조선일보 찰스샘 뉴스 보기

2016 제주 국제학교 (한국 국제학교 제주 캠퍼스) 주요 어드미션

2016 한국 국제 학교 제주 캠퍼스 어드미션 주요 체크 리스트

Korean citizens as well as non-Korean citizens can apply to school.

입학 지원 주요 체크 리스트 
  1. Completed KIS Jeju Application Admission Form.
  2. Four recent 3x4 cm photos: 1 for scanning, and 1 for the following documents - Application, Application Form Receipt, Admissions slip.
  3. Korean citizens: An original copy of your resident registration and a copy of the applicant's passport, if applicableNon-Korean citizens: Copies of the applicant's passport and both parents' passports, as well as copies of their Alien Registration Cards.
  4. Confidential letters of recommendation in sealed envelopesPlease use the KIS Jeju confidential letter of recommendation form.
    1. Elementary School applicants: 1 from a recent homeroom teacher and 1 from a recent English teacher. ※ Grade 1 applicants: 1 from a current homeroom teacher.
    2. Middle and High School applicants: 1 from a recent English teacher and 1 from a Math teacher.
  5. Official transcripts or report cards in sealed envelopes from the current academic year and previous 2 academic years.
  6. Assessment of Student Health
  7. Application form receipt and Admissions slip.

2016 - 2017 등록금

Posted by Charles' Team