
2016년 7월 10일 일요일

거제 국제 외국인학교 입학전형 (2016 -17 )

국내최초 IPC (International Primary Curriculum) 인증을 취득한 
2016 - 17 거제 국제 외국인 학교 입학 전형

IPC는 1980년대 영국의 교육과정을 국제학교에 적용시키기 위해 개발된 국제교육과정으로, 
현재 영국에서 출범하여 전 세계 42개 명문 사립 국제학교를 운영중인 노드앵글리아 교육재단 (Nord Anglia Education) 산하에서 운영한다.
IPC는 영국의 정규학교 뿐 아니라 미국, 싱가포르, 네덜란드 등 선진 90여개국의 1,800여개 정규 학교 및 국제학교에서 채택하였으며, 국내 일부 외국인학교 등에서도 IPC 교육과정을 채택한 적은 있으나, 정식 인증을 받은 학교는 거제국제외국인학교가 최초이며 유일하다.
학교는 지난 3년간 교직원과 학부모, 학생들이 함께 인증 준비를 해왔으며, 올해 5월 실사단의 최종 실사를 통과함으로써 인증을 취득하게 되었다.
거제국제외국인학교는 2002년 경상남도교육청의 정식 인가를 받은 외국인학교로서, 영국, 호주, 미국, 인도 등 40여개국가 출신의 450여명 학생들이 재학 중이며, 2016년 8월에 2016-17 학년도가 시작된다.

학년: Preschool - Grade 8 ( Age 3 - 14)
입학 조건
Non-Korean students.
Korean students in possession of Non-Korean passports, Non-Korean immigration status or who have been legally adopted by a non-Korean.
Korean students who have been educated overseas for 3 years or more.

어드미션 스케줄 
 학교 홈페이지 : http://www.iskoje.org/

Posted by Charles' Team

2016년 7월 9일 토요일

SAT ( 2016 - 17) 시험일정 입니다

SAT ( 2016 - 17) 시험일정 입니다

Important Information
U.S. deadlines apply to students testing in the United States and U.S. territories.

U.S. registration materials that are mailed must be postmarked by the U.S. deadlines. 
The deadlines expire at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, U.S.
Additional fees apply if you register late, change your test center, change your test date, or switch from taking the SAT to taking a Subject Test after registering. Find out how to make registration changes and get deadlines.
Sunday administrations usually occur the day after each Saturday test date for students who cannot test on Saturday due to religious observance.
If you miss the late registration deadline, you may be able to get on the waitlist.
Your registration options will be limited if you aren’t taking the SAT for one of its main purposes.

Posted by Charles' Team

NEW SAT 2016 - 17 인터네셔널 시험일정

SAT 2016-17 해외 시험일정

International Registration

The SAT is offered internationally in most countries at least six times each year 
 in October, November, December, January, May, and June.

ACT 2016 / 2017 시험일정

ACT 2016 / 2017 시험일정

United States, US Territories, Puerto Rico, and Canada

글로벌 Teacher 찰스팍 선생님의 powerful program
온라인을 통해 세계 각지의 학생들에게 SAT, SSAT, ACT, TOEFL지도

조선일보 찰스샘 뉴스 보기

ACT 2016 -17 인터네셔널 시험일정

ACT 2016 - 2017 인터네셔널 시험일정

2016년 7월 8일 금요일

SSAT 폼프렛 스쿨 Pomfret School 입학 평균 점수 & 어드미션

SSAT 폼프렛 스쿨 Pomfret School 입학 평균 점수 & 어드미션

Average Percentile SSAT   62
Acceptance Rate 39%
Application Deadline       Jan. 15

1. Take the Entrance Exam
take the SSAT (if entering 9th or 10th grade), PSAT, SAT, or ACT (if entering 11th, 12th, or as a postgraduate). In addition, the TOEFL is required for students whose first language is not English.
2. Visit Campus and Interview
3. Submit Teacher Recommendations
Candidates must distribute three recommendation forms, with return envelopes, to their current English, math, and a third academic teacher of their choice
4. Submit Academic Transcripts
Parents should sign and submit the Transcript Release form with an enclosed (postage paid) return envelope to their child’s school principal or guidance counselor.
5. Submit Application and Parent Statement
6. Apply for Financial Aid

School Information 
Grades Offered   9-12, PG
Enrollment        360 students
International Students    17%
Students Boarding         77%
Average SAT Score         1786
Offers Post-Grad Year      Yes
AP / Advanced Courses Offered    35
ESL Courses Offered       No
Students on Financial Aid 41%
Merit Scholarships Offered          Yes      

주요 입학 대학교  
Connecticut College, Northeastern University, Trinity College, University of Richmond
Hobart and William Smith Colleges, University of Pennsylvania, Bates College
Southern Methodist University, The George Washington University,
Washington University in St. Louis

Posted by Charles' Team

SSAT 케이트 스쿨 Cate School 입학 평균점수 & 어드미션

SSAT 케이트 스쿨 Cate School 입학 평균점수 & 어드미션

Average Percentile SSAT   80
Acceptance Rate 14%
Application Deadline       Jan. 15

Applicant information form
Applicant's acadmics, extracurricular activities, and athletics form
Short responses and two essays
Parent statement
applying for ninth, tenth, or eleventh grade take the Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) or the Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE) and that the scores be forwarded directly to Cate School. In order for your scores to arrive before the application deadline of January 15, we suggest that you register for the SSAT no later than the January testing date. Eleventh grade applicants may submit SSAT, PSAT, or SAT scores.
all candidates must demonstrate proficiency in oral and written English. It is required that non-native English speakers take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Admitted students typically score above 100 (out of 120) on the internet-based test.

School report
English teacher recommendation
Math teacher recommendation
Personal recommendation
Special interest recommendation
Application fee
Financial aid application (if applicable)

School Information 
Grades Offered   9-12
International Students    16%     
Students Boarding         81%
Average SAT Score         1990
SAT range (25th-75th percentile)   1840 – 2150
Average ACT score         25
Offers Post-Grad Year      No
Frequency of Saturday Classes     Bi-Weekly
AP   51
ESL Courses Offered       No
Students on Financial Aid 35%
Merit Scholarships Offered          No

주요 입학 대학교  
New York University, University of Southern California, Stanford University,
Colorado College, University of Chicago, Barnard College, Columbia University
University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University, Brown University        

Posted by Charles' Team