
2016년 6월 11일 토요일

위스콘신 대학교 매디슨 SAT.ACT.TOEFL 점수 분석

위스콘신 대학교 - 매디슨 SAT . ACT. TOEFL 점수 분석

  • University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • Percent of Applicants Admitted: 50% 
  • Test Scores -- 25th / 75th Percentile 
  • SAT Critical Reading: 560 / 660, Math: 620 / 740, Writing: 590 / 680
  • ACT Composite: 26 / 31, English: 26 / 32, Math: 26 / 31, Writing: 8 / 9
  • TOEFL Paper 550, iBT 80
  • Scores from either the ACT or the SAT are required and must be sent directly from the testing agency. Please note that the writing portion of the ACT is no longer required.
    Freshman applicants from non-English speaking countries must submit a TOEFL or IELTS score, unless English was the language of instruction for all courses in all years of secondary school. 

Posted by Charles' Team

2017 위스콘신 대학교,매디슨 U of Wisconsin 어드미션

2017 위스콘신 대학교 - 매디슨 

Admissions Application
Official Transcripts Official Test Scores
Two Written Statements Letter(s) of Recommendation
Prospective Dance and Music Majors
Additional Materials
Self-Report Grades

Academic Course Preparation
Your high school record should demonstrate both rigor and breadth in the types of course work you pursue. A competitive academic record should show challenging advanced-level work, such as AP, honors, or IB courses, in as many areas as possible, while maintaining a strong GPA. The following chart shows the number of years that most admitted students studied in each subject area.
Subject Area                            Years
English                                       4
Math *                                         4
Social Studies                           3-4
Science                                     3-4
Single Foreign Language **      3-4
Additional Academic/Fine Arts    2
Total Units                                19-22

Test Scores
Scores from either the ACT or the SAT are required and must be sent directly from the testing agency. Please note that the writing portion of the ACT is no longer required.Admitted students will typically score between 27-31 on the ACT and 1840-2050 on the SAT, although there is no minimum required score.

Posted by Charles' Team

2017 위스콘신 대학교 -매디슨 등록금 & 장학금

2017 위스콘신 대학교 - 매디슨 등록금 & 장학금


Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
Book Store Academic Excellence Award
Chou Kuo-ping Scholarship
Freiburg Madison Sister City Scholarship
IAP General Study Abroad Scholarship
Liberal Arts Essay Contest
Morris K. Udall Scholarship--Tribal Healthcare and Public Policy
Promega International Scientific Internship Scholarship

Posted by Charles' Team

미국 TOP 명문 공립 대학교 SAT 비교 분석

미국 TOP 명문 공립 대학교 SAT 비교 분석 자료 입니다

윌리암&메리 컬리지 / 죠지아텍 / UC 버클리 / UCLA / UC 샌디에고 
 일리노이 대학교 어버너 섐페인 / 미시간 대학교 / UNC 채플힐 / 버지니아 대학교 
위스콘신 대학교 메디슨

      Top Public University SAT Score Comparison (mid 50%)        

    [출처:National Center for Educational Statistics]

                                                                                                               Posted by Charles' Team

미국 Top 명문 사립대학교 SAT 점수 비교 분석

미국의 명문 사립대학교 입학 SAT 평균 점수 분석 자료 입니다.

카네기 멜론 대학교 / 컬럼비아 대학교 / 코넬 대학교 / 듀크 대학교 / 에모리 대학교 / 하버드 대학교 
노스웨스턴 대학교 / 스탠포드 대학교 / 펜실베니아 대학교 / 서던 캘리포니아 대학교 

     SAT Score Comparision mid 50%         

                                                                                                                 [출처: about education]

Posted by Charles' Team

2016년 6월 10일 금요일

케이스 웨스턴 리저브 대학교 Case Western Reserve SAT.ACT.TOEFL

케이스 웨스턴 리저브 대학교 입학 평균 SAT. ACT. TOEFL 점수 분석

  • 2016 Case Western Reserve University Acceptance Rate: 39.3%
  • Test Scores -- 25th / 75th Percentile 
  • SAT Critical Reading: 610 / 710, SAT Math: 660 / 760, SAT Writing: 610 / 710 
  • ACT Composite: 29 / 33, ACT English: 29 / 34, ACT Math: 29 / 34, ACT Writing: 8 / 9
  • TOEFL Paper 550, iBT 90
International Students
English translations, if applicable, for academic records and recommendations
English language exam score submitted to Case Western Reserve via the testing agency. 
Case Western Reserve accepts the following language exams and scores for non-native English speakers:
International English Language Testing System: 6.5
TOEFL: 90 IBT; 223 CBT; 577 PB

The English proficiency requirement can be waived for students who meet any of these standards:
Attend a school where the language of instruction is English for two years by the time of graduation
Earn a 600 or higher on the SAT Critical Reading
Earn a 26 or higher on the ACT English

Posted by Charles' Team

2017 케이스 웨스턴 리저브 대학교 Case Western Reserve 어드미션

2017 케이스 웨스턴 리저브 대학교 어드미션 CHECKLIST

Required application materials:

Common Application
Once you begin your application, add Case Western Reserve to your list of My Colleges and click "save." CWRU's member questions will then appear in the My Colleges tab
Official high school transcript
School Report, including a counselor recommendation
Two teacher recommendations
SAT or ACT with writing score submitted to CWRU via the respective testing agency
Additional letters of recommendation
SAT II subject tests
Interview, either on campus with an admission counselor or with a Case Western Reserve alum near their hometown (if available)
International Students
English translations, if applicable, for academic records and recommendations
English language exam score submitted to Case Western Reserve via the testing agency. Case Western Reserve accepts the following language exams and scores for non-native English speakers:
International English Language Testing System: 6.5
TOEFL: 90 IBT; 223 CBT; 577 PB
PTE Academic: 61

The English proficiency requirement can be waived for students who meet any of these standards:
Attend a school where the language of instruction is English for two years by the time of graduation
Earn a 600 or higher on the SAT Critical Reading
Earn a 26 or higher on the ACT English

Posted by Charles' Team