
레이블이 아시아 명문 대학인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 아시아 명문 대학인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2016년 4월 24일 일요일

난양공대 NTU 입학정보

General Requirements
You must have completed at least 12 years of general education or will be taking High School national examinations in the year of application in order to be considered for admission. 

Submission of IELTS or TOEFL or SAT (previously known as SAT Reasoning Test or SAT 1)  or Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) or Ameson English scores are only compulsory for applicants
  • with PRC Gao Kao qualification (i.e. applicants who will be taking Gao Kao in June 2016 and those who have already taken Gao Kao) OR
  • who do not take up English language in Junior and Senior High School or taken English language only as a 2nd language.
Only scores obtained in the 2 years leading up to the application deadline will be considered.

Minimum Subject RequirementsIn addition to fulfilling the minimum entry requirements, you must also satisfy the minimum subject requirements for the programmes you apply. Check the minimum subject requirements of the programme you wish to apply. 

Entrance Examination
Shortlisted applicants with the following qualifications (or equivalent qualifications as deemed fit by the university) may be required to sit for the NTU entrance examination before a final decision on admission can be made.
  • Indonesia – SMA Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN)  
  • Malaysia – South Australia Matriculation/Ontario Secondary School Diploma/Western Australia TEE
  • Myanmar – Matriculation Exam 
  • Philippines – High School Certificate
  • South Korea – High School Certificate or Scholastic Exam
  • Thailand – Mathayom 6
  • Vietnam – High School Graduation Certificate
  • Other countries - National High School Certificate (less those exempted as shown in the list below)
  • University Foundation Studies

2016 홍콩대학교 입학 정보

General Academic Requirements

Please take note to the minimum requirements as below

English Language Requirement




2016년 4월 23일 토요일

2016 동경대학교 입학 정보

동경대학 PEAK 프로그램

PEAK입학시기는 매년 9월로 설정되어 있습니다.
 입학전형 절차

전형시 제출서류
- 입학원서
- 고등학교 및 대학 등의 성적증명서
- 고등학교 및 대학 등의 졸업(예정)증명서
- 학교소개자료(가능한 경우)
- 학력시험 성적증명서(대학입학자격시험, 국가통일시험)
- 영어능력시험 성적증명서 (해당자에한함)
- 추천서 3통(평가항목:영어능력, 학력, 인성)
- 지원이유서
- 증명사진

2016 와세다 대학교 입학 정보

AO Admission

EDESSA(English-based Degree Studies September Admission Program)

N.B. The EDESSA program only takes students in September. For information regarding the Japanese-based undergraduate program, please refer to the admissions website in Japanese.
  • Admissions for September 2016
DegreesB.A. in Political ScienceB.A. in EconomicsB.A. in Global Political Economy
Entrance periodSeptember only (no April entry for the EDESSA program)
DepartmentsDepartment of Political ScienceDepartment of EconomicsDepartment of Global Political Economy
Number of students to be admitted100
Selection methodScreening of documents
(Screening of the documents submitted with your application will produce one of three results: An unconditional offer, a conditional offer, or a fail. Receiving an unconditional offer means that you can enter the EDESSA Program without any further interview or test. Receiving a conditional offer means that you will be invited for an interview, after which a decision will be made on whether the requirements for your entry to the EDESSA Program have been met. )
Application documentsApplication form, English essay, Certificate of graduation (expected graduation), Academic transcript, Certificate of results of university entrance qualification examination/other standardized tests results, or SAT Reasoning, Certificate of English-Language Proficiency (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, or GEPT), among others.
Please refer to the application guidelines for more information.
First application periodDurationOctober 12 – November 11, 2015
Announcement of Document Review Results and Notification of InterviewDecember 18, 2015
Interview schedule・One of the following
January 9, 2016
January 10, 2016
January 16, 2016
January 17, 2016
Results of interview examinationJanuary 25, 2016
Second application periodDurationFebruary 4 – March 2, 2016
Announcement of Document Review Results and Notification of InterviewApril 15, 2016
Interview schedule・One of the following
May 7, 2016
May 8, 2016
May 14, 2016
May 15, 2016
Results of interview examinationMay 23, 2016

2016년 4월 22일 금요일

싱가폴 국립대학 NUS 입학정보

Applicants who have completed the high school final examinationApplicants who will be completing the high school final examination after 1 March
Minimum to apply
High School Graduation Certificate and transcript
Most recent High School exam results prior to High School graduation
A good pass certificate
Expected to have a good pass certificate by end July 2016
1) ACT with Writing / SAT and
2) SAT Subject Tests
Advanced Placement
English Requirement
Not required
Not required
University Entrance Examinations
Not required
Not required
Course Eligibility
Eligible for all courses
^You are required to submit your latest high school results, an explanation of your high school grading system as well as either ACT with Writing or SAT, together with SAT Subject Tests by the application closing date.
Applicants may submit ACT with Writing in lieu of SAT

Students presenting the following qualifications as well as qualifications not listed here should apply under 'Other High School Qualifications': 
  • Bangladeshi HSC
  • Filipino High School
  • Mathayom 6 (Thai High School)
  • Myanmar High School
  • Pakistani Intermediate
  • Sri Lanka 'A' Levels
  • West Africa 'A' Levels
  • Senior Middle 3 students (from PRC) who are not writing the Gao Kao examination should also apply under 'Other High School Qualifications'.

Outstanding Achievements

While academic merit plays a key role in deciding the outcome of your application, we also consider exceptional achievements in co-curricular activities and competitions. You must have attained a very high level of achievement or leadership positions in activities. Examples of such achievements include International Science Olympiad medals, top national awards, national team sportsmen and exceptional rank in top university entrance examinations (e.g. IIT/AIEEE rankings, etc.).
Participation in activities and achievements at intra school, house or class level (e.g. best student, most courteous, science/arts/cultural projects, etc.) do not, usually, have a strong bearing on the outcome of your application.

Choice of courses

All applicants are allowed a maximum of 5 choices in your application. Please list them according to your preference. The order of the choices does not increase or decrease your chances in any of the courses. However, you should order your choices accordingly to your preference, as you will be admitted to the highest ranked course that you have qualified for.

Application outcome

The outcome of your application for admission will be released between May to July.


The decision on your application was made after careful consideration by the Admissions Selection Committee on the basis of your academic and non-academic records and the keen competition for limited vacancies.
An appeal for admission should be submitted only if you have additional information regarding your academic and non-academic achievements that was not presented in your earlier application.
You should submit an online appeal from late May to early June 2016 via Online Application Status Facility (OASF). Please do not submit multiple appeals to various departments in the university. Mass emailing to multiple parties within NUS outside the appeal protocol will result only in slowing down the appeal process. The NUS Office of Admissions makes the final decision on all appeals.

Verification of Documents

Successfully admitted applicants will be called upon for verification of their submitted documents when school terms starts.

When applicants arrive in Singapore for enrolment into NUS, they must bring along original copies of their identification, high school results, secondary school results and other material documents which they have earlier submitted in support of their application.

For applicants who are required to submit their IELTS, SAT and SAT Subject Tests and/or TOEFL scores, internet printout results of IELTS, SAT and SAT Subject Tests and/or TOEFL scores may first be sent to our office to support your application. Applicants are required to submit a copy of the original score report(s) to the Office of Admissions once it is available.

The University reserves the right to expel students who fail to turn up for the verification of documents exercise or failing to provide the required documents.

ACT with Writing, SAT and SAT Subject Tests Requirements

There are different requirements for different high school qualifications presented to the university. For certain high school qualifications, applicants are required to submit either ACT with Writing or SAT, together with SAT Subject Tests scores. Applicants may submit ACT with Writing in lieu of SAT. For the list of acceptable high school qualifications and their requirements, please click here.

ACT with Writing

The ACT consists of 5 sections: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science and Writing Test (Optional). The minimum acceptable composite score for consideration by NUS is 29; with writing component score of 27. For applicants who are submitting ACT in lieu of SAT, the writing component is compulsory. 
For the ACT, all sections (inclusive of writing) have to be taken in one sitting. Combination of section scores from different sittings is not accepted.
The validity of ACT scores is five years, e.g. for applications closing on 1 March 2016, the validity period is from 1 March 2011 to 1 March 2016 (both dates inclusive).
For more information on ACT, please visit http://www.act.org/products/k-12-act-test/  
Our institution code is 5286. You may submit your ACT scores directly to the University or through ACT. The score reports must reach the NUS Office of Admissions by your application closing date, failing which your application will be deemed incomplete and withdrawn from consideration.

SAT (Previously termed Reasoning Test)

The SAT consists of 3 sections: Critical Reading, Writing and Mathematics. The minimum acceptable test scores are 600 for Critical Reading, 600 for Writing, and 650 for Mathematics.

The SAT (offered up to 29 Feb 2016) consists of 3 Sections (Critical Reading, Writing and Mathematics). The revised SAT (offered from 1 March 2016) consists of 2 sections (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Mathematics). For the SAT, all sections have to be taken in one sitting. Combination of section scores from different sittings is not accepted.

SAT Subject Tests

The SAT Subject Tests are content-based tests. 3 subject tests should be taken. The Mathematics Level 2 subject is compulsory while the two other subjects may be of your choice.

Applicants are required to submit 3 subject tests as follows:
  • Mathematics Level 2 ^
  • A second subject of your choice (excluding Mathematics Level 1)
  • A third subject of your choice (excluding Mathematics Level 1)
For SAT Subject Tests, NUS accepts the score for 3 subjects that are taken within two sittings over 12 months. All other combinations or mixing of scores are not permitted. Please note that the previous test format (SAT I & II) and the new test format (SAT and SAT Subject Tests) cannot be combined. The validity of scores is five years, e.g. for applications closing on 1 March 2016, the validity period is from 1 March 2011 to 1 March 2016 (both dates inclusive).
The second and third subjects should be chosen based on the subject prerequisites of the courses you are applying for at NUS. For example, if you are applying for Chemical Engineering, you will need to choose Physics and Chemistry. If, however, you are applying for Business Administration, you may choose any subjects except Mathematics Level 1.

Please note that IELTS and/or TOEFL is not required if applicants wish to apply for Law or the double degree programme of Economics and Law if they are presenting SAT and SAT Subject Tests as their basis for admission.
No minimum Subject Tests scores have been stipulated.
^ Mathematics Level 2 is a compulsory subject for all courses except for Law. Applicants applying for admission to Law may take Mathematics Level I in lieu of Mathematics Level 2.
For more information on SAT and SAT Subjects Tests, please visit  http://sat.collegeboard.org/home.

You may fax your scores directly to the University at (65) 6778 7570. Our institution code is 3720. The score reports must reach the NUS Office of Admissions by your application closing date, failing which your application will be deemed incomplete and withdrawn from consideration.

홍콩과기대 HKUST 입학지원 정보

General Admission Requirement
  • Graduation from high school; and
  • SAT Reasoning Test with a combined score of 1800 or above (in one sitting) or ACT plus Writing with a composite score of 27 or above (in one sitting); and
    *Redesigned SAT Reasoning Test is also recognised, more details will be announced later
  • i) Three SAT Subject Tests, each with a score of 600 or above
Competitive Score Range
Mid 50% Score Range for 2015 Intake: SAT Reasoning Test Score of 2050 - 2220

General Admission Requirement
Completion of IB Diploma
Mid 50% Score Range for 2015 Intake: 36 – 40 (including bonus points)

Your application should include:
  • A completed online application form, including a personal statement
  • Copies of national ID card and/or travel document (must upload Hong Kong ID card copy and Hong Kong Visa/Entry Permit copy, if available)
  • Public examination result certificates
  • School reports from grade 10 onwards
  • Certificates and proofs for significant prizes and awards
  • Nomination of an Academic referee 
    (An email invitation will be sent to the academic referee you nominated in the online application form at the time you submit your application. If you are holding IB or GCE qualifications, please also provide contacts of your IB coordinator or career master such that an email invitation will be sent to them requesting for provision of predicted grade report.)
You may also upload a CV /résumé as needed. 

2015 QS 아시아 대학교 랭킹








16Fudan University
 Sungkyunkwan University
18 Yonsei University 
19Korea University 
20 Tohoku University