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2016년 5월 29일 일요일

2016-17 Episcopal High School 등록금 & Financial Aid

2016-17 에피스코팔 고등학교 등록금 & AID

2016-17 Tuition $54,250

Laptop Computer – a one-time expense of about $1,800 (purchased through Episcopal's designated vendor)
Textbooks and Academic Materials – about $700 annually
Private Music Instruction – $1,200 - $1,600 annually
Varsity Athletic Team Trips/Camps - $500 - $1,000 annually
Monthly Allowance – about $200 monthly for laundry, local transportation, and entertainment.

In 2015-16, approximately 32 percent of the student body will receive financial assistance. Approximately $6 million in aid is awarded annually, with the average grant equaling about $38, 500.

Episcopal works with the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS). This organization provides Episcopal with a confidential statement of need based upon an application for financial aid completed by the parent called the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS). More information about the PFS can be found here.

2016년 5월 28일 토요일

2017 필립스 아카데미 앤도버 어드미션 & SSAT 평균 점수

2017 필립스 아카데미 앤도버 어드미션 & 평균 SSAT percentile

average SSAT percentile 93%
         TOEFL iBT100

The Candidate Profile
Short answers and essay
Copy of a recent writing assignment—corrected and graded by a teacher. (Scan and submit online. PDF documents should be less than 1MB for compatibility with online submission.)
The Parent Statement
School Report with official transcript
Current English Teacher Recommendation
Current Math Teacher Recommendation
Personal Recommendation
Official copy of standardized test results
Admission interview
For students applying for financial assistance

English Proficiency & Testing Requirements 

All students are required to submit standardized test results as part of the application process. Students should submit SSAT scores (or SAT scores for older students.) It is recommended that all non-native English speaking candidates submit the results of a TOEFL examination in addition to the required SSAT test results.
Phillips Academy does not offer instruction in English as a foreign language during the academic year. Furthermore, the Andover academic program is extremely rigorous. As such, students who enroll at Andover must be highly proficient in the English language prior to entrance. If an international applicant has not attended a school where English is the primary language of instruction (and/or he/she is a non-native speaker of English), he/she should complete, if at all possible, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) in addition to the required standardized test for the grade to which he/she is applying. Students who are admitted to Phillips Academy typically have TOEFL scores in the 100-120 range. It is very rare for a student with a TOEFL score lower than 100 to be admitted to the Academy.

Posted by Charles' Team

2016-17 필립스 아카데미 앤도버 등록금 & Financial Aid

2016-17 필립스 아카데미 앤도버 등록금 & Aid

Boarding Student Tuition: $52,100
Day Student Tuition:       $40,500
Additional Expenses (approximate): $2,400

Need Blind Admission 

·         Andover offers one of the most comprehensive and generous financial aid programs in 
          the country 
          for low-, middle- and upper-middle-income families.
·         Andover meets 100% of a family's demonstrated need.
·         No predetermined gross income is used to determine financial aid scholarships.
·         Andover generously determines awards based on a comprehensive analysis of need, including 
          all variables 
          that contribute to a family's financial situation. In addition to using the School and Student Service
          for Financial Aid 
          Report of Family Contribution, Andover's financial aid process deals with all families on a
          confidential, individual 
          and personal basis.
·         Andover calculates family need on the full cost of attendance, including tuition, room and board, 
          travel, books,
          technology, insurance and other expenses.
·         Andover awards financial aid scholarship grantsNo student loans are administered.
·         All financial aid scholarships are awarded through the generosity of alumni, parents, and friends of
          the Academy 
          and are guaranteed through endowed scholarship funds.
          In 2014-2015, 47% of the student body receives financial aid; 13% receive full scholarships. 
          The average grant for boarding students is $38,100 and the average grant for day students is

International Student Financial Aid Profile

If you are neither a US citizen nor a permanent resident, please submit a Parent Financial Statement (PFS) at www.nais.org. Although not every question will pertain to an international applicant, do your best to answer all questions. In place of US 1040 tax forms or W-2 Forms, please submit the International Student Financial Aid Form. All international forms should be translated into English. Canadian applicants are welcome to submit Canadian tax forms instead of the International Aid forms.

2016년 5월 27일 금요일

2017 필립스 엑시터 아카데미 Phillips Exeter Academy 어드미션 & 평균 SSAT percentile

2017 필립스 엑시터 아카데미 평균 SSAT percentile & 어드미션 

Phillips Exeter 평균 SSAT  91%

Applying to grade 9 or 10

Applicants for grades 9 or 10 submit current ISEE or SSAT scores. Please do not substitute with SAT scores.
  • Complete your ISEE or SSAT testing during the school year in which you’re applying, no earlier than August.
  • The test results should be in the Admissions Office by January 15 for a March 10 decision. If you take a January test, we understand that the testing organization will forward the scores to us as soon as possible. Please let us know if you’ve had to delay testing beyond January.

Applying for grade 11

Applicants for grade 11 submit current ISEE or SSAT or recent PSATACT, or SATscores; please do not substitute with SAT II scores.
    ISEE and SSAT
    • Complete your ISEE or SSAT testing during the school year in which you’re applying, no earlier than August.
    • The test results should be in the Admissions Office by January 15 for a March 10 decision. If you take the January test, we understand that the testing organization will forward the score reports to us as soon as possible. Please let us know if you’ve had to delay testing beyond January.
  • PSAT and SAT
    • PSAT or SAT testing can be completed during any academic year, but recent scores are preferable.
    • ACT or PSAT scores can either be sent as a part of the applicant’s official school transcript or we will also accept a photocopy of your family’s PSAT score report.
    • SAT scores can be sent directly to Exeter from The College Board, sent as part of the applicant's official school transcript, or we will accept a photocopy of your family's SAT score report.

Applying for grade 12 or post-graduate

Applicants for grade 12 or a post-graduate year submit PSAT, ACT, or SAT Reasoning Test(SAT I) scores. Please do not substitute with SAT II scores.
ACT, PSAT or SAT testing can be completed during any academic year. The test does not need to be taken in the current academic year.
  • Your test results should be in the Admissions Office by January 15 for a March 10 decision.
  • SAT scores can either be sent directly to Exeter from The College Board, sent as part of the applicant's official school transcript, or we will accept a photocopy of your family’s SAT score report.
  • The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is required if:
    • your primary or fluent language is not English and
    • you have not been taught primarily in English for the past four years
  • Why do we require the TOEFL? Exeter students must have a good command of written and spoken English to participate successfully in Exeter's seminar style of instruction. The TOEFL helps the Admissions Committee fully evaluate a student's competence in English.
  • What's a good score?minimum score of 600 on the paper-based test or a minimum score of 100 on the internet-based test. If English is not your primary or fluent language, it is to your benefit to take the TOEFL.
  • The TOEFL is required in addition to the standardized test for your grade (ISEE, SSAT, ACT, PSAT or SAT I).

Posted by Charles' Team

2017 Phillips Exeter Academy 등록금 & Financial Aid

2017 Phillips Exeter Academy 등록금 & Aid

We know that private school tuition can be daunting. At PEA we’re committed to making an Exeter education accessible to all families. Our endowment is one of the largest of any high school in the country, which allows us to offer financial aid to almost half of our families.
For families earning less than $75,000 a year, Exeter tuition is free, and there are many other students who pay nothing to attend the Academy. Last year we were able to give financial aid grants to families earning up to $400,000. Almost 50% of students receive grant aid and our average annual boarding grant is over $41,000 (not including the tuition remission we’re able to offer to children of employees who attend). 


2017 Phillips Exeter Academy 어드미션

2017 Phillips Exeter Academy 어드미션 

Applicant Information Form (AIF)
English Recommendation (This must be from your current English teacher.)
Math Recommendation (This must be from your current Math teacher.)
Extracurricular Recommendation
School report (Completed by a guidance counselor or principal and submitted with transcripts directly to Exeter.)
An interview is required for all applicants.  

서류전형 주요 날짜

2016년 4월 6일 수요일

Phillips Andover Academy (필립스 앤도버 아카데미) 입학/입시 요강

Phillips Andover Academy (필립스 앤도버 아카데미) 
명문 보딩 스쿨 랭킹 1위의 필립스 앤도버 아카데미 (Phillips Andover Academy) 1778년에 개교,
메사추세츠주 앤도버에 위치하여 오랜 명문의 입지를 굳혀온 학교이다오랜 세월 동안 줄곧 미국 명문 보딩스쿨 랭킹 상위에 랭크 되어 있는 이유는높은 명문대 대학 진학률도 하나의 이유 겠으나,교사와 학생들간의 유대관계를 통해 학생들이 스스로 공부에 전념할 수 있게 도와주고훌륭한 학교시설 (도서관미술관공연 홀과학 실험실 등)과 체계적으로 프로그램이 조성이 잘 되어있고 주말과 방과후 활동 등 액티비티 활동을 통해 학생들의 창의성과 자유성 향상을 도모하며 훌륭한 가치관을 키워주고인격향상과 올바른 사회상을 가르치려 최선을 다하는 학교라고 본다.

 500acres의 넓은 규모의 이 학교는 약 1096명의 학생들이 있으며 그 중 약 72%의 학생이 기숙사 생활을 하고 있다. 9학년 ~ 12학년의 학생들로 교사 대 학생비율은 1:5 이다한 클래스에 약 13명의 학생들이 수업을 받고 있다.

영어수학과학역사예술종교철학 등이 있으며 AP과정은 29과목이 있다

전체학생의 45%의 학생이 국제 학생이다.

43개의 기숙사가 있으며 각방에는 전화보이스 메일을 가지고 있어서 학생들이 편안하게 생활 할 수 있다학생들은 기숙사생활을 하면서 책임감과 협동력을 키울 수 있고 협력하는 가치관을 형성할 수 있도록 하는 취지를 갖고 있으며 다양한 스포츠 활동이나 카운셀러를 통해서 학생들이 기숙사 생활을 잘 할 수 있도록 돕고 있다.

다양한 클럽활동을 통해 저마다의 취미생활을 할 수 있는데 대표적인 클럽을 소개하자면
Film Society, Art Club, Blue Key Society, Dance Club, Earth Friends Andover Ambassadors Club, Andover Korean Society등이 있고 골프축구풋볼야구,농구 등 스포츠활동도 있다.

보스턴에서 북쪽으로 21마일 거리에 있다.


지원서토플, SSAT / ISEE or SAT / PSAT, 인터뷰 등

Average Percentile SSAT 94%

Harvard / Yale / Cornell / Columbia / Brown / Georgetown / University of Pennsylvania Princeton / Dartmouth / University of Chicago 

Campus Tour

180 Main street Andover, MA 01810 - 4161 Tel : 978-749-4000

Charles Park 추천도 : ★★★★
Phillips Andover Academy의 장점은 매우 훌륭하고 다양한 클래스를 제공학생들 자신이 흥미로운 과목을 마음껏 선택해 공부 할 수 있다는 것이다명문 보딩 스쿨 랭킹에서 줄곧 상위를 유지하고 있는 이 학교는 우수한 학생들이 입학하는 만큼 학교 안에서 학생들간의 경쟁도 심한 편이라 학생들이 많은 스트레스를 받기도 하지만그 밖의 과외활동이나 주말프로그램등 학생들에게 많은 자유를 주는 편이고학생들 스스로 행동한 것에 책임을 질 수 있도록 독립적인 교육형태를 보이고 있다기숙사 생활은 다른 학교와 다름없이 교우관계가 원만 하지만또한 학생들을 보호해야 하는 입장에서의 기숙사 규율은 학생들을 불편하게 하기도 한다그러나 이러한 규율은 어느 학교에나 있듯이열심히 지식을 쌓고 본인의 꿈을 실현시키고자 한다면단연 이 학교를 추천하고 싶다.